Chapter 1: Stories

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"We tell ourselves stories in order to live."

-Joan Didion


Every human on Earth has one.

We tell them around campfires to scare little children, we tell them to each other when we are recounting our day to loved ones, we tell them to our children as we lay dying, telling them of "the good old days". Stories are never ending. Every story ever told has been documented and taken note of somewhere.

Stories are the essence of human existence. We learn from them, we fear them, and, most importantly, we remember them

Everyone has a story.

And if your story is great,

it is remembered forever.


The hot Egyptian sun beat down on Jungkook's back as his tired feet slowly carried him to the river. His arms holding two woven baskets, his mind focused on checking the traps for fish. He worked as a servant in the palace, serving in the kitchen and occasionally helping with other small tasks that no one else wanted to do.

He was a "no nonsense, cut-to-the-chase" kind of guy. His whole life he had been blunt and to the point. He hated when people would beat around the bush, or not be straight forward with him. It always managed to annoy him.

His straight forwardness had gotten him into trouble numerous times, though. A servant speaking his mind was not smiled upon in Egypt. He was constantly being whipped and beaten for his words. But Jungkook wouldn't dream of changing himself. It wasn't in his nature.

A sigh moved past his chapped lips as his rough, bare feet met the cool water of the Nile. This was his favorite part of his job. The water relaxed him and put him at ease. This part of the river was off limits to anyone outside of the palace, which meant that most of the time Jungkook was alone out there.

He didn't mind it though, no one was around to scold him or tell him what to do. It was simply peaceful.

The dark-headed servant slipped deeper into the water, his sun-kissed skin relaxing as he made his way to the fish traps.

His brown gaze slowly traveled over the extent of the clear, blue water, just relaxing and taking in the sight.

His eyes suddenly stopped moving as they landed on something unfamiliar floating in the water.

The servant squinted his eyes, trying to be sure they weren't deceiving him in any way.

Was that....a person?

"This area is private!" He yelled. "If you do not wish to be punished, then you should vacate immediately!"

The floating body didn't seem to move, causing the dark haired boy to sigh in frustration, his body beginning to trudge through the cool water of The Nile, as he slowly approached the motionless person.

"If the Pharaoh finds out a peasant was in his private area, you'll be-"

He cut himself off, his eyes widening slightly as he finally got a clear view of the body.

The woman floated on top of the water, unconscious, her body adorned with odd clothing that Jungkook had never seen before. From the looks of her wrinkled finger tips, she had been in the water for at least ten minutes.

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