Chapter 32: Miracles

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"We often describe a "miracle" as some kind of divine intervention...but we all have miracles inside of us, whether it be a single act of kindness or simply loving ourselves...each one of us has the power to create a miracle...which means that each one of us...... is divine."



Exhausted breaths shook your body as you stood before the young royal, his chocolate eyes scanning over you with great amounts of curiosity, worry, and relief.

You couldn't find the strength to speak to him, your body slowly beginning to cave in on itself.

You had been running for hours.

Your heart never stopped pounding in your chest as you managed to weave your way through the never-ending tunnels of The Follower's lair. You honestly couldn't remember how you dodged the undead army or avoided the many Followers that were searching for you.

A cold shiver ran down your spine as you remembered the way that Anubis called your name after you ran. There was so much raw anger and fury in his voice that you almost gave in and turned around, submitting yourself to him for eternity.

But you pushed on.

You were so scared down there.

Thoughts of being captured, trapped and turned into one of the many undead zombies never left your mind, causing you to run even faster. You silently prayed to whoever was listening that you would make it out okay.

If you were being honest...part of you actually just wished to stay.

Part of you thought that being bonded to a demon was exactly what you deserved.

You were stupid.

You fell for his trick. The cruel, sick joke that he played on you while you were your most vulnerable. He found your weakness and he dangled it in front of your face, giving you false hope of freedom...false hope of seeing him again.

The way that he took on the form of the men you loved...Yoongi, Taehyung...

He used them to make you make you soft...

The fact that it worked made you angry.

"J...Jin," You stuttered out numbly, blue eyes raising to meet his. "Help me."

His eyes grew wide at your shaky voice, hands immediately reaching out to steady your buckling body.

Your breathing began to slow substantially as your eyelids grew heavy, knees finally giving in to the exhaustion that you had been subsiding for the past hour. You had been running solely on adrenaline, but now, you could feel yourself getting weaker and weaker due to the lack of food and water.

You could feel yourself being picked up, strong arms holding you and tucking themselves under your knees and back.

You tried your best to hold your head up, but you could only lay limply against Jin's chest, his scent filling your nostrils and giving you an unexpected since of security and safety.

Slowly, your consciousness began to slip from your grasp, eyes fluttering shut peacefully.

You slept.

And for once, you wished not to dream of The Four Kingdoms

Or Yoongi.


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