Chapter 27: Jewelry

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"It's okay to be a little obsessed with jewelry."


"Where is she?!"

Taehyung's deep voice roared, echoing off the walls as he entered the council room, his nostrils flaring in anger.

The entire room turned to face him, panic written all over their expressions.

Yoongi released a heavy sigh upon the young royal's arrival. The last thing he needed was for Taehyung to know about any of this.

An emergency council meeting had been called due to your sudden disappearance from the palace earlier in the afternoon, you had been gone for almost six hours and no one had heard from you.

One of the maids reported seeing you being dragged away by some sort of undead creature which only proved what Yoongi's suspicions. He was almost certain that Anubis' followers were somehow wrapped up in your kidnapping and the very idea of you being taken by those monsters scared and infuriated him.

He had called the council meeting in a quiet manner, hoping to keep it a secret from Taehyung. The young prince was quick to act and slow to think. He would more than likely exhaust himself trying to find you instead of going about it in a smart and calm way.

Yoongi also wanted to keep Jimin in the dark, although the high priest was far more relaxed than Taehyung, he knew that if Taehyung had found out that Jimin knew and not him, he would throw a huge tantrum.

One of the council members stood from the large, circular table, a nervous smile playing on his lips as he slowly bowed to the dirty blond prince.

"Your majesty, why don't you go back to your chambers and rest? We can handle everything here-"

"I will not be leaving this room until I get some information." Taehyung growled, his chocolate gaze moving to Yoongi's form. "Where. Is. She?"

The general ran a hand through his raven locks, his hazel eyes falling to the ground.

"We do not know, your highness." He stated. " All we know is when she was taken and who is behind her kidnapping."

The prince clenched his jaw as he nodded his head in understanding.

"If you know who took her then why have you not arrested the culprit?"

Yoongi sighed, shaking his head.

"One of the maids saw the man that took her, but...." He paused momentarily. "She claimed that he was a corpse."

Taehyung's eyes widened in disbelief, his mouth suddenly becoming dry.

"Do you think-"

He couldn't even bring himself to finish that sentence.

Yoongi nodded slowly.

"The Followers of Anubis were behind this....They've sent one of their monster's to fetch Y/n."

The young prince rubbed his eyes as he silently processed the information. He had spoken to their leader only a few minutes before your disappearance. He should have killed him then and there.

"W-What could they possibly want with Y/n?"

"I think I know."

Taehyung quickly turned on his heels to face Jimin as he entered the room, Hoseok following behind him slowly.

"If this truly is the work of The Followers, then Y/n does not have much time left."

Yoongi furrowed his brows at the high priest.

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