Chapter 17: Secrets

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"Three may keep a secret if two of them are dead."

-Benjamin Franklin

The doors to the throne room slammed open as the livid Pharaoh entered. His demeanor was one of anger and seriousness as his kohl-stained eyes moved about the large room.

The sun had only begun to set, the sky was stained in light hues of pinks, oranges and purples. A few stars were slowly coming into view as the moon began to rise over the great kingdom of Egypt.

Taehyung marched to his throne, taking a seat upon the golden structure as his arms rested on the arm rests.

After the canine was killed, he called off the party, evacuating all civilians from the palace. An emergency meeting was called, pushing the palace into a state of panic.

Someone had tried to kill the king.

Taehyung was furious.

Being born into the royal family, there were thousands of threats made to the young Pharaoh, and there were even a few occurrences where someone would actually make an attempt on his life, but no one had ever gotten so close to succeeding. If it hadn't been for you, Taehyung would be laying dead in the floor.

His eyes watched as his advisers scattered into the throne room, each one more disheveled than the last. It was obvious to Taehyung that none of these men had ever prepared for a situation such as this.

He almost scoffed at ow pathetic they all seemed. Egypt was the strongest country in the world, and yet the most brilliant, regal men were scurrying around like mindless toads.

His chocolate gaze fell on Jin, watching as he entered the room, grace and poise radiating off of him. He wasn't panicked, or if he was, he was certainly doing a good job of hiding it.

The young Pharaoh had always envied that about his cousin. He always managed to keep a cool and mature demeanor, even in times of crisis such as this. He had always known how to contain his fear and do what needed to be done.

You slowly peeked your head into the throne room, your heart pounding in your chest as your blue eyes fell onto Taehyung.

His body was still, almost as if he were frozen in time as his eyes slowly scanned over the small crowd of men before him. His ringed fingers tapped against the gold of his throne in almost a calming way, his other hand moving to rest over his mouth in thought.

It was almost unnerving how calm he seemed. Like he didn't even care that someone had just tried to kill him.

The young Pharaoh's eyes slowly tore away from his officials, scanning over the room until they rested on you.

His once calm gaze softened as he stared at you, his eyes shifting between your own as he silently studied your reaction to all of this.

You swallowed.

If you were being honest, you weren't exactly sure if you should even be in here. This was a major state of crisis and you weren't exactly a part of the kings council, you were

You frowned under his strong gaze and slowly began to creep away from the door frame, deciding it would be best not to fully enter the throne room while they discussed such fragile matters of state.

You slowly turned on your heels, only to be met with a hard chest.

You stumbled back slightly , your gaze moving up to meet your offender's.

Jimin smiled, his arms reaching out to steady you as he stared ahead blankly. His hand gently encompassed your upper arms, his thumb rubbing the smooth, sun-kissed skin.

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