Chapter 3:Deals

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"Fate is usually swift when she deals a blow."

-Baroness Orczy

You swallowed hard as your blue eyes scanned the room you were standing in. The stone walls were covered in colorful paintings and symbols you couldn't understand. The room was an open space, there was no walls separating you from the brisk evening air. A warm breeze blew past you, causing the white sheath curtains to flow in the air.

You eyed the setting sun, your heart yearning to be back with your be back with Yoongi. You had only arrived about seven hours ago, but you already hated it here. It was hot, and sandy.

Sure, this version of Jimin was nice, and kind to you, but he wasn't the Jimin you knew and that made all the difference.

You watched as Hoseok paced the floor nervously, running a hand through his dirty blond locks, as you all waited patiently for the pharaoh to allow you audience.

Jimin sat on a small bench, leaning against the painted wall, a calm look staying on his face, as he ran his fingers over Hoseok's report from earlier.

You nervously twiddled your thumbs, biting your lip in anxiety.

You had never met the Pharaoh, but from what you gathered he wasn't the easiest man to please. Jimin reassured you that you shouldn't be nervous, but the way Hoseok was pacing only fanned the flames.

Jimin's hand suddenly covered your own, stopping your thumbs from twiddling.

"Stop pacing, Hoseok." He said. "You're making her nervous."

The astronomer stopped his movement, eyes moving towards the high priest, then to you.

"She should be nervous." He started. "If the Pharaoh doesn't think she is a goddess, then she will be killed."

Your eyes widened.

"Wait. What?"

Jimin sighed heavily, squeezing your hands in reassurance.

"He isn't going to kill her."

Hoseok frowned.

"You know what the law says about divine impersonation. She-"

"She will be fine." Jimin interrupted. "Because she is a goddess."

You slowly pulled your hands away from his, causing his head to move in your general direction, his gray eyes searching blindly for you.

"He's right."You breathed. "I'm not a goddess. I've been trying to tell you that this whole time."

Jimin offered you a small smile.

"What is your name?" He asked.

You raised your eyebrows in confusion.


Jimin chuckled.

"You haven't told us your name."

You cleared your throat awkwardly.

You hadn't told them your name. You must have forgotten. You had grown used to the other versions of them knowing your name...

"M-My name is Y/n."

The high priest tilted his head to the side.

"Well, Y/n....I have spent my whole life around the gods, giving offerings, worshiping, I have dedicated my whole life to knowing what is divine and what is human."

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