Chapter 29: Safe

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"Every human being needs to feel safe and secure in their lives."

-Kether Donohue

A frustrated huff lefts Jungkook's lips as he stared at the annoyed royal, his brown eyes watching as the prince ran a hand through his short chestnut locks.

News of your disappearance had spread throughout the palace like wildfire, the gossip of your kidnapping was on the tip of everyone's tongue and it disgusted Jungkook. As a servant, he was often subjected to the harsh judgement of the "higher-ups", but he never really minded, always knowing that it was mere gossip and nothing more....after all Jungkook wasn't the least bit interested in that sort of thing, the lives of other people never piqued his attention....but this time, he couldn't help but feel annoyance-anger.

They were all talking about you.

Taehyung had kept the reason of your disappearance a secret, more than likely not wanting to cause a panic among the people, however this left room for imaginations to wander and they most certainly did.

Some rumors stated that you had run away during the night, others said that you had come to be with child and Taehyung had sent you away in shame...that particular rumor didn't quite sit well with the servant...he knew you, and he knew the last thing on your mind was....having intercourse with the former king.

Still....he couldn't help but allow himself to question your disappearance...He had felt like the two of you had come to be close in the time that you had been there, so why would you leave without even saying goodbye to him? It didn't make any sense.

His stomach sank. What if something bad happened to you? What if you were hurt....or worse?

Something wasn't right and he knew it.

The way that Taehyung and Jimin would constantly have secret meetings with Yoongi...not allowing anyone else to enter, not even servants who usually filled their drinks or provided them with food. There was something darker going on....and he was determined to get to the bottom of it.

His large brown eyes moved to Jimin's form, watching as he studied over a few scrolls before him, dark bags resting under his reddened, tired eyes. He hadn't slept since you disappeared and it was obvious to Jungkook that he was worried terribly about you. He would constantly stay up searching through endless amounts of scrolls, trying desperately to get some kind of clue about where you were.

It worried Jungkook to see his old friend in such a state. He wouldn't eat, he wouldn't sleep, he barely ever looked away from the scrolls.


Jungkook's voice came out in a soft whisper, barely audible, but the priest heard it loud and clear, his head snapping up to look at the younger male.

The servant let out a heavy sigh.

"What is going on? You're not eating, you're not sleeping....I'm worried about you."

Jimin offered him a small smile, to anyone else it would have seemed genuine, like Jimin was perfectly fine....but Jungkook knew better than that...he could see exactly how tired the young prince had become, how devastatingly scared he was.

"You needn't worry about me," Jimin's smooth voice stated. "I am merely studying the scrolls of our ancestors."

Jungkook sighed heavily, frustration evident on his features.

He was lying.

And Jungkook knew it.

"I do not understand why you are so eager to deceive me." Jungkook spat angrily.

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