Chapter 14: Thrones

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"When you play the game of thrones, you win or you die."

-Cersei Lannister

Your chest heaved as your heavy breaths escaped your body, Your blue eyes filling with tears.

You didn't know what people would think of you, nor did you care, you couldn't stay another second in that room. The judgmental, hate-filled eyes that stared at you were too much to take, the small of the decaying man, the memories of your nightmare, all of it was driving you up the wall.

You needed out.

So you ran.

You had opened those giant, golden doors and fled from everyone, your mind was racing and your heart was wrenching. You ran until you couldn't run anymore. You realized that it probably didn't look good for you to run after being accused of raising the god of death, but at the moment you couldn't find it in you to care.

Taehyung had tried to stop you, he yelled your name multiple times before you were finally out of hearing range.

People often say that fear is the best motivator, they constantly state that a scared person is often the most unpredictable, and to a degree you suppose that they were right. But fear wasn't what made you run, fear didn't motivate you to leave the room.

You were motivated by panic. The two are often confused with one another, most people would tell you that fear and panic are the exact same thing, that they are one and the same, but they would be wrong. Fear is the sense of dread you feel, the hairs standing up on the back of your neck, the pounding of your heart right before you are met with a cold, terrifying realization.

Panic is what happens after the fear has gone. Panic is your sweaty palms and shaky body, it is the adrenaline that keeps you running, keeping you constantly moving. Panic is much worse than fear....because we are never forced to face our fear, but with panic....we have no choice.

You shoved the door to your bedroom open your heart still pounding as you gripped your hair, your mind was throbbing with multiple possibilities. Were you responsible for that man's death? Was Anubis' rising really your fault? After all, you did have a dream about it, a dream so realistic that it felt like you were really there, like you couldn't escape it.

You could still feel the terror that came over you when you couldn't move. The monster had somehow managed to keep your there, frozen in torment as you watched him suck a living man of his life.

You hoped and prayed that you had nothing to do with that.

You couldn't catch your breath as you ran out to the balcony, trying to calm yourself down. You felt like your lung were going to explode from your heavy breathing, The warm midday air wasn't exactly being helpful.

The door to your room opened slowly, but you didn't turn around, you were too focused on trying to regain your composure.

Namjoon walked in hesitantly, his eyes falling to your figure on the balcony.

Taehyung had sent him to check on you, because he wasn't allowed to leave the meeting. Namjoon hesitated at first, he didn't know you, he hadn't even spoken to you before, what was he supposed to say? How was he supposed to act around a goddess?

His eyebrows raised in curiosity as he got closer, listing to the sound of you struggling to breathe. Worry washed over him instantly and he shot over to your side.

His hands rested on your shoulders in an attempt to comfort you.

He had seen symptoms like yours before. When he was a child, he was often attacked with sudden attacks of fear and anxiety, he wouldn't be able to calm himself down, or even think straight. Most of the time, the fear of death would come over him. He never knew if he was going to make it out alive.

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