Chapter 33: Change

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"Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise, so I am changing myself."


A loud giggle escaped from your throat as you kicked your legs happily, your body being spun around numerous times in the air.

"Jungkook!" You exclaimed happily, arms moving to rest around his neck as his arms wrapped around your waist, holding you off the ground.

The young servant only smiled widely at you, his ruffled, brown hair falling over his eyes in an attractive manner, causing his deep, chocolate eyes to become even more alluring to you.

"I missed you!" He stated boldly. "And you weren't there when we all woke up."

Your smile widened at the pout that presented itself on his lips, blue eyes rolling affectionately.

"I was hungry!" You defended.

A chuckle resounded from the boy holding you, his gaze softening as he looked up at you.

"You could have woken me...I would have made you something to eat. I have not seen you all day and the sun is already setting!"

You were touched at his offer, his smile sending butterflies into your stomach. You gently placed your lips on his forehead in a chaste kiss, your hands tangling into his messy hair.

"Thank you, Pedophile, but Taehyung and I had breakfast together."

The mention of the royal's name caused Jungkook's smile to vanish from his face, his arms gently lowering you until your feet once again met the cold tile of the floor beneath you.

Your eyebrows furrowed at his actions.

Had you said something wrong? Last time you checked he and Taehyung had no least none that you could see...why did he suddenly get so unhappy at the mention of his name?

"Jungkook?" You called out to him, catching his attention. "Is everything alright?"

Your blue eyes watched as he bit his lip anxiously, brown eyes darting around the massive corridor nervously before finally returning back to your figure.

He seemed...scared. Like he had some kind of huge secret that could potentially destroy the entire universe... you had never seen Jungkook like that. Not even when you were in The Four knew that the Jungkook before you was entirely different in character and personality...but you still could not get over the way he looked when he was hiding something.

The old Jungkook always wore his feelings on his sleeve...if he was angry, you would know. If he was sad, you would know. If he was jealous....everyone would know. It just bothered you to no end to see him like this, his eyes panicked, eyebrows furrowed and expression anxious.

"Jungkook." Your voice came out a little more stern than before, worry flashing over your features. "Whats going on? What aren't you saying?"

He hesitated for a brief moment, chest rising and falling as his breathing became slightly heavier and his heart began to beat faster.

His hand grabbed yours.

"We cannot speak about it her. Come."

Your confusion only increased as he began to lead you to a wooden door, his hands extending and opening it to reveal a closet.

His hands met your back, nudging you into the small space, his gaze watching the hallway to make absolutely certain that no one was watching the two of you.

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