Chapter 31: Close

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"Get away from me. You're too close."


Hundreds upon hundreds of questions filled your mind as you stared at the dirty blond man before you.

It wasn't possible....

You knew for a fact that there was no way Taehyung could be behind this...He was a human least you thought he was.

Uncertainty flashed through you, causing your heart to begin to beat rapidly...This cannot be happening...

You watched as a smirk lit up the former Pharaoh's face, your bright blue eyes staring at him in pure horror.

How were you supposed to react in a situation like this? Were you supposed to scream at him? Were you supposed to cry or maybe even drop kick him in the throat?

A familiar feeling of dread shot through you as the young royal stepped even closer to you, taking a deep breath through his nose.

Was he smelling you?

You instantly moved yourself backwards, a hard glare on your face.

"Stop." You ordered.

Your assertive tone seemed to catch his attention, his eyebrows shooting up in a mixture of shock and amusement....You almost scoffed. He thought this was funny.


Your voice only momentarily deterred Taehyung from his original task, his body once again stalking towards yours as his chocolate brown iris' scanned your figure up and down, his tongue darting out to wet his lips.

You raised your hand in front of you, eyes hard and stern.

You were not going to back down.

"If you take one more step, so help me god, I will chop your balls off."

This seemed to take an immediate effect on the man before you, his body moving away from your own at a high speed.

You sighed inwardly, relieved that your tactic actually worked.

Slowly, you rose your blue eyes to meet his, your arms crossing over your chest as you studied his face closely.

A chuckle escaped his lips, his shoulders shaking as a deep laugh emitted from him, eyes staring at you fondly.

"Aten had mentioned that you were fiery, but I never expected this."

Your eyebrows shot up at his words. There was something extremely odd going on here. His wasn't was was sinister.

"Who are you?" You inquired bluntly.

He smiled widely, once again moving closer to you, only this didn't move away. You didn't have to...he knew what would happen if he went too far.

Bye bye, babymaker.

"I am whoever you want me to be, my sweet." He stated, voice sounding as smooth as velvet.

You swallowed hard, closing your eyes in an attempt to wrap your head around everything that was going on around you and taking a deep breath to calm your nerves.

"You're Anubis." You said, opening your eyes and sending him an icy blue glare.

You watched as a smug smile crossed over his features, his big, brown eyes that once held innocence were now filled with only darkness.

You could feel your knees shaking under his intense gaze. Even if he didn't look like the monster you had seen in your could still feel the exact fear you felt that night..

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