Chapter 20: Snake Eyes

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"It's in the eyes, I can tell, you will always be danger."

-Mumford and Sons

Your feet trotted lightly against the limestone floor as you tip-toed through the quiet hallway. Your heart pounded in anticipation. You needed to make it out of the palace before anyone noticed you weren't in your bedroom.

Luckily for you, the day had only begun for most of the palace, except the occasional servants, who usually never even glanced in your direction. If you were smart about it, you could easily make is out of the town before it was too late.

Hoseok's presence had gotten you to thinking.

Why should you help Writer?

You didn't owe him any favors, and you certainly didn't know him well enough to clean up his messes. You had no obligation to stay here and become a slave to a power-mad Pharaoh with no sense of personal space. You'd had it with being thrown around against your will. You weren't going to play his sick, twisted game anymore.

You clutched the string of your bag tightly as you eyed the kitchen entrance.

It was the perfect escape route. No servants had entered the kitchen yet, so you would have plenty of time to walk out without ever being noticed.

You didn't know where you would go. You didn't even know if you would survive in the desert. The thought of taking shelter in the town had crossed your mind, but you knew that as soon as someone saw your eyes, you'd be sent directly back to the palace and forced into slavery.

You had packed enough water and food to last you at least three days. That should be long enough for you to walk to the next city, where, hopefully, no one had heard about the young goddess with blue eyes.

Adjusting the sack of supplies on your shoulder, you quickly made your way to the exit, your blue gaze searching the room fervently for any unannounced guests.

You stepped outside into the crisp, morning air, your sandal-covered feet meeting the stone pathway just outside the small door frame.

You could swear that you felt a heavy weight lift off of you as you moved out of the palace and away from your responsibilities. You were officially done cleaning up everyone else's mess. You were going to find another way back home.

Your feet carried you a few more steps towards your freedom, as more happy thoughts floated through your brain.

You were finally getting out of here and taking your life into your ow hands. You were finally-

Your train of thought was harshly derailed as your head came into harsh contact with a sturdy chest, causing you to stumble backwards and rub your head.

Your heart began racing as you took in what had happened.

What if it was Taehyung out for a morning stroll? Or one of the chatty servants that told him everything?

A heavy sigh sounded from the person in front of you, their arms crossing over their chest.

"I can't say I[m surprised. I almost expected this to happen."

Relief washed over you at the familiar voice that filled your ears, your blue eyes raising to meet his gray ones.


Your voice came out as a quiet sigh. You were so happy to see him. He was your ticket out of this place. He was your way back to The Four Kingdoms, back to Yoongi and Grace.

Your arms wrapped around his form in a tight embrace, your face resting on his chest as you squeezed him happily.

"I'm so glad to see you." You spoke softly. "It's hell here."

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