Chapter 2: Scrolls

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"History is the unrolled scroll of prophecy."

-James A. Garfield

Hoseok ran a hand through his messy hair, a tired sigh escaping his lips as he walked down the dimly lit hallway towards the temple.

He had, had a long, tiring day. He spent all of the previous night studying the heavens for any sign of change in the stars, he slaved over his telescope in the darkness, and in the day time, he wrote down his studies.

It was his job as chief astronomer to know everything that happened in the sky. He had studied it his whole life, and if one star was out of place, he would notice it.

Hoseok was the best at his job, his wit was unmatched amungst any other scholar, but lately he had begun to feel useless. The heavens had been changing, stars were moving and sometimes even disappearing. The new moon cycle had been thrown out of balance and it effected the tides of the river.

The astronomer had racked his brain, searching for any answers as to why the heavens would make such sudden, and bold changes.

He frowned, pulling his documents closer to him as he entered the quiet temple.

The papers in his hands were his studies over the last week. Part of his job was to give his studies to the high priest for studying, just to make sure that the gods weren't angry or punishing them. Hoseok had to learn to write with dots, instead of actual words, that was the only way Jimin could read his studies and fully understand them.

The temple was completely silent as Hoseok entered, which was quite odd, considering that it was already dusk, which was the time of Jimin's daily offering.

"Jimin?" Hoseok's voice broke through the silence as he gently placed his research on one of the wooden tables, his brown eyes searching for the familiar head of chestnut hair.

He was met with no answer, which worried him.

Jimin never missed his offerings, not once. He feared that the gods would take offense and reek vengeance on him.

Hoseok stepped away from the table, his eyes falling upon one of the white, sheath curtains, the outline of a body clearly visible as the torchlight illuminated the curtain, casting a shadow.

The astronomer's body shot into defensive mode. It wasn't Jimin behind the curtain, and no one else was allowed down here.

Hoseok slowly approached the curtain, his eyes watching the shadow dance across the thin curtains as the mystery person, picked up some sort of cloth, wrapping it around their body.

His hands slowly reached for the thin material of the curtain, taking a deep breath as he slowly pulled them back.

His breath caught in his throat.

Hoseok's chocolate gaze trailed down the woman's bare back, his eyes falling from her h/l,h/c, hair, down to her tanned shoulders, and finally landing on the curve of her spine.

Her bottom half was covered by a sheath, white material that fell from her hips, down to her ankles, her whole top half was bare.

Hoseok could only see her back, his eyes taking in the smooth skin shamelessly as his tongue darted out to lick his lips.

You released a heavy sigh as you wrapped the blue material around your upper body, bringing it up and crossing it over your chest, before tying it in a knot around your neck.

After Jimin's "revelation" and thirty minutes of you insisting that you were, in fact, "human", Jimin and Jungkook decided to give you and change of clothes, saying that the ones you wore were too..."Revealing". Even though the clothes they gave you were less than modest in your opinion.

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