Chapter 18: Memories

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"Live for the moments you can't put into words."


A heavy huff of air left your lips as you marched through the garden angrily, your feet taking you in no specific direction. You didn't know where you were going, and you didn't care. You just needed to be away from that terrible man.

The audacity of that stubborn brute never failed to shock you. You had just saved his life, and risked yours in the process, and yet he wouldn't even consider giving you one more day of freedom.

You had really begun to thin that he was changing for the better. The note he had written you left your hopes high. You really thought he was beginning to progress and move past his constant anger and frustration.

But, of course, you were wrong.No matter what you said or did, he never seemed to show any signs of changing his actions or character. He reminded you of a child. Constantly seeking attention and praise, whenever he was refused those things he would stomp his foot and throw a tantrum. He would abuse his power and hurt anyone who tried to stand in his way.

You were really beginning to lose all hope for the young Pharaoh.

He was nothing like the Taehyung you had come to know in the previous dimension.

You couldn't help but feel like you had lost him amungst the chaos. You could feel yourself forgetting his soft voice, and the way he smiled at you. Taehyung was the very first man you had met in the previous world. He guided you and told you all the things that you may have needed to know. He looked out for you, and whenever he did something to wrong you, he was always the first to apologize.

The Taehyung you knew now...was the complete opposite.

Your footsteps slowed until your feet were no longer stomping down the long hallway.

Your body was still, but your mind was racing.

It was as though all the sadness of leaving The Four Kingdoms suddenly crashed down on you like some sort of heavy weight. Memories of your time there surging through your brain as you began to recall your favorite things about each of the boys you had left behind.

Jimin's smile.

Jin's constant flirting.

Namjoon's kind eyes.

Hoseok's hopefulness.

Taehyung's protectiveness.

Jungkook's jokes.

Yoongi's laugh.

You never even got to say goodbye.

You never got to tell Jungkook what a great king he was going to be. You never got to watch the stars with Jimin again. You never got to watch Jin rule over his kingdom. You never got to study with Namjoon, or laugh with Hoseok one last time. You never got to eat cake with Taehyung. And you never got to hold hands with last time.

You had been so focused on fixing this universe that you had never stopped long enough to realize exactly what you had left behind.

You missed them.

Your knees suddenly gave out from underneath you, your body falling onto the stone pathway on which you walked only moments ago.

You had always been told that anger was a terrible thing, and that you should never allow yourself to dwell on it, because if you do, it will slowly begin to consume you, until there is nothing left.

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