Chapter 6: Scholars

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"A nation's greatest treasure is it's scholars."


Namjoon hummed contently as he walked down the bright corridor, his golden robes flowing behind him with every step he took, his brown eyes taking in the sight of the great Nile outside as the sun twinkled upon the top of the clear, blue water.

He had been stuck in the counting room almost all day, taking records of Egypt's wealth and counting the taxes that were paid that week. Namjoon was a mathematician. He was one of the smartest men in Egypt, his wit and quick-thinking was above every one else's.

He wasn't cocky about it. It was simply the truth. He was raised for greatness. Coming from a family of slaves, he didn't have many chances to make something of himself. His family was poor, and couldn't provide for themselves, but one day Namjoon was discovered by the royal schooling society and the rest is history.

He ended up there. In the palace, he worked long and hard, keeping perfect and precise records of the Pharaoh's wealth. To some the job would seem easy, and not exactly important, but Egypt was the wealthiest, most advanced country in the world, and it was quite a task keeping up with all the money that came in.

The scholar was currently on his way to the temple, he had been so busy during the week that he had not yet had time for his worship. His life was always quick-moving and he hardly ever had a second to stop, if he wasn't rushing around counting, he was off keeping records, even as he lay in his bed, his mind is going through the numbers from the day.

He sighed lightly, as he turned to enter the temple, a small smile on his face.

The temple was the quietest place in the palace, the Pharaoh never went there, and most of the others were too busy to worship, the only one in the temple was Jimin, and he didn't talk to Namjoon much, he simply carried along with his business, and allowed the mathematician to pray quietly.

He looked forward to his time in the temple. The silence consoled him and gave him peace of mind. A luxury not afforded to him anywhere else in the palace.

"I can't do this!"

Namjoon's chocolate eyes widened slightly at the female's annoyed voice, his eyes searching for the source.

You stood in front of Jimin, your head in your hands as you rested your elbows on the table.

Jimin sighed heavily.

"Yes you can. I'm not asking you to preform a miracle, let's just start small." He said softly.

You removed your hands from your face, obviously distraught as you stared at the blind man.

Namjoon's eyes moved over to Yoongi who stood in the corner of the room, watching you. A smile rested on his face as your displeasure.

"We have been trying for an hour," You started. "Let's just call this off. I'm not a goddess, and I don't have any "special abilities.""

Namjoon stepped closer, his presence still unknown as he watched you unravel in frustration.

The high priest sat down in front of you, his hands blindly searching for yours .

"You are only as powerful as you allow yourself to be," He stated. "If you believe you cannot do it, then you cannot. You lack three things: Determination, Self-confidence, and patience. Miracles don't just happen, they take time."

You frowned, running a hand through your hair as you stood up.

"I need a break." You stated.

The scholar watched as you began to walk away from the high priest, your blue eyes landing on him as you slowly walked past him. Namjoon sent you a wide-eyed look, confusion still covering his face.

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