Chapter 21: Sight

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"There is much I haven't shared with you, along the road."

-Elton John, El Dorado

If there ever was a moment to look back over your life, a moment to regret the chances you did not take, a moment to long for your old life or wish for a new one.....It was this moment.

As you walked towards the throne room, heart pounding in your chest, you could only focus your mind on your anger and frustration, not just towards the Pharaoh or Writer, but towards yourself. i You had allowed all of this to happen. You said yes to Writer against your better judgement. You trusted a complete and utter stranger with your life, and he betrayed you.

You shouldn't have been surprised. You should have seen this coming. After all, you barely even knew the man, it wasn't as if he actually earned your trust, or even owed you loyalty.

The fact that he had modeled your shackle after a snake was comical to you, it reminded you of Writer and his deceptiveness. The way he slithered into your life only to bite you and leave you to die.

You slowly moved your gaze up to look at Jin, whose head was held high as he walked beside you. His demeanor simply radiated with royal pride, but his eyes held a silent sadness. The young royal knew that he was walking you to your bleak future. A future of servitude and constant regret.

He hated himself for letting things get so out of hand. He didn't know you very well, he had no idea where you were from or if you were even a goddess, but he did know that you didn't deserve the life that was about to be forced upon you by his selfish cousin.

When Jimin died, he saw the way you handled everything, the way you were constantly by the blind priest's side, holding his cold hand and petting his hair. You barely ever left him and when you did, it was to give Hoseok and the others some time with their diseased friend.

Jin found himself not even caring if you were a goddess, he didn't care if you had special abilities or some kind of power to make Egypt rich, because even if you weren't some all-knowing goddess, you were a good person, and people like you were far more rare and precious.

The two of you approached the doors to the throne room, your blue eyes taking in the familiar golden doors which now served as the gateway to your ultimate fate.

"When you belong to the Pharaoh," Jin started with a heavy voice. "You never want for anything."

You almost laughed at his words, a painful resolution forming in your heart.

"Except freedom."

Jin swallowed hard, his adam's apple bobbing up and down as his head nodded slowly. He could not think of anything else to say to you. His failed attempt to give you some sort of comfort, only seemed to make you even more upset.

The sound of rushed footsteps approaching the two of you filled the hall, along with the shuffling of clothing as Jungkook ran towards the two of you, panic evident on his face.

"Y/n!" He called out, grabbing your attention.

Sighing, you slowly turned on your heels to face him. You were in no mood to socialize with anyone at the moment, not even him.

He slowed himself to stop in front of you, his chest heaving from running.

You eyed him curiously.


"Come. We must hurry." He interjected as he grabbed your wrist, pulling you away from the dreaded golden doors.

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