Chapter 7: Rooftops

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"We can crawl to a rooftop and inhale the lights below and stars above as we laugh and forget the world we left on the ground."

-Victoria Erickson

You rested your chin in your hands as your blue eyes stared at the city outstretched beneath you. People were walking through the streets shopping and talking with one another in a happy way. Children ran around laughing and playing with each other, none of them having a care in the world.

You envied them.

They didn't have to worry about tomorrow, they knew that they would wake up and their parents would be right there, greeting them with large smiles and probably warm breakfast. They didn't need to ask questions about their future, because they knew that no matter what they would never be alone.

You didn't get that luxury.

You woke up each day not knowing if you were going to be in the same place that you fell asleep in. You were all alone. You couldn't tell anyone about your life in the other worlds, you couldn't tell them about your family, or the friends you had lost.

You were stuck in a void of knowledge. You knew so much, yet so little at the same time.

You sighed sadly, your eyes continuing to watch the people bustle with life below you.

You had somehow managed to climb to the very top of the large palace. After Taehyung had stopped crying on you, you didn't give him a chance to speak. You just ran away from him as quickly as possible. You didn't know where you were going, you just knew that you couldn't be near him anymore.

You didn't trust him.

You knew that he wasn't as strong as he pretended to be, and the fact that no one had shown him a true act of kindness made you pity him greatly. But he was still the same cruel, perverted man you had met the day before, no amount of crying was going to change that.

You felt bad for him though.

In a way, he was just like you.

He had everything and nothing at the same time. He had the world at his finger tips, but he wasn't capable of true friendship or love. He was lonely. And his loneliness ate away at his kindness until he became cold and distant to everyone around him.

He was a lonely monster.

"You should really stop running off."

You didn't even have to move your body to recognize the voice behind you, your eyes staying locked on the village as the brown-eyed man sat beside you on the ledge, his legs dangling off the side.

"How did you find me?" You asked quietly.

Jungkook shrugged.

"I wasn't exactly looking for you. This is my spot."

You turned to look at him.

"Do you want me to leave?" You asked.

He shook his head, moving his gaze out over the village, as the afternoon sun shine down on the two of you.

"You do not have to leave. I know the pressures of the palace better than anyone."

You nodded, looking back at the city.

"Is Jimin angry with me?" You asked quietly.

The slave, lowered his eyes.

"No. He just doesn't want you to be upset."

"He really believes in you." Jungkook stated quietly. "He has put more faith in you than anyone else. You are something special."

You moved your eyes to stare at your hands in your lap.

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