Chapter 11: Disease

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"Sometimes the cure is worse than the disease."

-Yiddish Proverb

You huffed out in annoyance as you bent your body to pick up yet another fallen scroll, your hands grabbing the paper and placing it back in your arms along with the others.

Jimin has asked you to deliver the weekly reports back to Hoseok. He said that he had finished looking over them and they needed to be delivered the the astronomer right away to be stored. You didn't mind doing it, after all you imagined that it was pretty hard for Jimin to get around without his sight.

The only thing that annoyed you was how many scrolls he expected you to carry all by yourself.

You had dropped one of those things at least ten times, they were constantly rolling out of your arms and dropping onto the floor. You wanted nothing more than to pile them all up and set them on fire.

You sighed, trying to adjust your head so you could see over the never ending mountain of paper in your arms. Your blue eyes were so focused on the path in front of you that you didn't even notice three of the Pharaoh's concubines walking past you.

One of them let out a quiet chuckle at your struggle, sticking her foot out in the middle of your way.

You tripped.

All of the papers you had worked so hard to gather were sent flying from your arms as your body met the limestone floor harshly. Your body instinctively angled itself, so no damage would be done to your face, causing you to land on your side, your bare shoulder dragging across the rough surface harshly.

You groaned out in pain, rolling over to lay on your back, blood spilling out of the wound on your shoulder.

One of the women snorted at your pain, leaning over and smiling down at you evilly.

"Watch where you walk, temptress."

You glared at her, slowly standing to your feet, your left hand moving to cover your bloody shoulder.

"You tripped me." You stated.

She smiled.

"You cannot prove that."

Your blue eyes shot daggers at her as you took a small step forward.

"What's your problem?" You asked. "You don't even know me."

She frowned, her smile fading completely.

"Everyone is so taken with you. They think you are truly a goddess, but I know better. You can pretend to be divine all you wish, but at the end of the day, you are nothing but a common whore, just like us. The Pharaoh may favor you now, but all of us have been in the position you are in, and it doesn't last long. He will loose interest in you soon enough."

You rolled your eyes, annoyance written all over your face.

"I don't care what the Pharaoh thinks of me. That man is a child, and everything he does is based off of his own selfish whims. You don't have to worry about me stealing his attention, because I would rather die than be like any of you."

Her eyes widened at your insult, her hand raising as she was getting ready to send a blow to you.

"How dare you! You little-"

"What do you think you're doing?"

The woman's eyes widened at the deep voice, her hand lowering slowly as her gaze moved over to the angry Pharaoh.

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