Chapter 16: Poisons

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"All this time I've drank you like the cure, when maybe you were the poison."

The small village bustled with life as the loud parade marched through the town center, the sound of bells and chimes filling the air with each horse's footstep. The sun shone down on the small band of people as they all walked directly into the small town outside of the palace.

Jin had told you that today was some sort of Egyptian holiday, a day where all of Egypt would come to the capital city and watch a ceremony that only takes place once every one hundred years.

This ceremony was a way for the people to "see the gods". The priests of the temple would bring out statues of all the Egyptian gods and the High priest would bless them in the Nile, praising them for another hundred years of health and prosperity for Egypt.

Apparently, this "celebration of the gods" was a huge deal in the Egyptian culture.

The Pharaoh always had to be present, in fact, no one in Egypt had ever dared to miss ceremony, for fear of being cursed for one hundred years.

You, however, couldn't care less.

Yo were forced to wake up at the crack of dawn and be dressed in an uncomfortable outfit that the Pharaoh himself had picked for you.

It was an emerald green dress that fell to your ankles, the material was velvety in texture and soft to the touch, the top half of your dress was like a tank top, two strips of material flowed past your shoulders and covered your breasts, each of them ending at the golden belt that was wrapped around your waist.

Your hair was pulled back into a high pony tale, strips of gold being braided throughout your h/l, h/c, hair.

You hated the way your were dressed, you felt exposed and not in a good way. The fact that Taehyung had picked this out didn't help to ease your discomfort either.

The two of you hadn't spoken since the day he fired one of his concubines. You had tried your best to avoid any confrontation with him. It wasn't that you hated him or that you were still mad at him....You just didn't trust him. And who could blame you? He has been prideful and arrogant since you arrived here.

His mood constantly changed, and his temper always seemed to get this best of him. To put it bluntly; he was prideful.

You watched from where you stood as the priests of the temple stood in the Nile, each one holding up a statue of one of the Egyptian gods. Jimin slowly entered into the large river, his hands extended in front of him as he searched for where he was supposed to stand.

"He's about to bless the gods." Jin mumbled from beside you.

You sat under a large tent, the bright sun not touching your skin as your blue eyes moved to look at the young royal.

"Bless them?" You inquired. "How does he do that?"

Jin smiled at you.

"It is pretty hard to explain, he basically just thanks them."

You nod your head in understanding.

Your gaze falls back onto the high priest as you watch him mumble a few words, and sprinkle the top of the water with rose petals.

The priests around him begin to chant along with him, each of them beginning to sway as they stand, waist-deep, in the water.


You let out a sigh in relief as you plopped down on your bed, your body aching.

The stupid ceremony had gone on for six hours.

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