Chapter 24: Terrors II

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"All cruelty springs from weakness."

-Lucuius Annaeus Seneca

"Come on, Jiminie." Taehyung groaned as he rubbed his now sore head.

"I don't see the point in this." Jimin pouted. "I'll never be able to get it right."

Taehyung's eyes softened on the older boy. He could tell that he was easily frustrated by his disability.

"Sure you will. You just have to practice. Let's try this again."

Jimin nodded reluctantly, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Let's say that you are in the temple and you need to get to the throne room," The young prince started. "Which way would you go?"

Jimin furrowed his brows in concentration as his mind searched for the correct answer.

Taehyung always had to lead him anywhere he wanted to go. He was constantly calling out for the young boy to help guide him in the right direction. The two would always play together, they were inseparable, so Taehyung never minded helping the blind child get wherever he needed to go. Jimin had come to admire that about him, even if he was younger than him.

But lately, Taehyung's father has been more demanding, pulling him away from playtime with the temple helper, leaving Jimin to wander around blindly until Taehyung would come and find him and help him back to the temple.

Everyone Jimin had met was always cruel to him, and even though he was blind, he could feel the hateful, disgusted stares of those around him, their unforgiving glares boring holes into him as they took in the odd color of his dysfunctional eyes.

But Taehyung was never like that. From the first day he had met Jimin, he was only interested in helping him and being his friend. The prince was not cruel or selfish like his father. He was
kind-hearted and caring, constantly bringing Jimin new toys to play with and reading stories to him.

"I-I would go to the right and walk four paces before taking another right turn and then walk for sixteen paces until I reach the door to the throne room."

A large smile formed on Taehyung's face as he clapped his hands happily.

"That's right, Jiminie! You got it!"

Jimin's lips turned upward slightly as the young prince hugged him tightly.

"Do not get too excited, my prince." Jimin chuckled. "I only know the way to the throne room, that is hardly useful."

Taehyung shook his head.

"It is extremely useful!" He stated. "If you know your way to the throne room, then you know your way to me, and if you can find your way to me, then I can lead you anywhere you want to go!"

The temple boy smiled widely at the young royal, extending his pinky.

"Brothers together." He started.

Taehyung chuckled, intertwining his pinky with Jimin's.

"Now and forever." He finished.


The two boys jumped back at the loud roar that echoed off the walls of the empty corridor.

Taehyung moved his chocolate eyes to his father's figure, watching as he stormed down the hallway, anger written all over his features. A few councilmen walked alongside him, struggling to match his quick pace.

The young prince swallowed hard at his father's angry expression.

He was unforgiving when he was angry.

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