Chapter 25: Guides

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"Your guide knows what you need, even when you don't."


Your tired blue eyes slowly fluttered open as soft rays of sunlight poured into your chambers. A small yawn escaped your mouth and you snuggled yourself back into your comfortable pillow.

You had slept like a baby last night.

It was easily the best sleep you'd experienced since arriving to this strange land. Usually the brisk wind or bright torches would keep you awake throughout the night, or at least manage to wake you up a few times, but last night you couldn't recall waking up at all, in fact, you were almost certain that you hadn't moved a single inch in your sleep.

You smacked your lips tiredly, enjoying the warmth that your blankets provided you with.

You could easily just fall right back to sleep. You had no duties, no meetings to attend and no prior engagements that would cause you to leave your bed. Maybe you would just spend the whole day in your room, eating and sleeping. That would be far more relaxing that putting up with all of the annoying councilmen wandering about the palace.

"I'm just going to stay in bed all day long." You muttered to yourself quietly.

"That sounds like a splendid idea, princess."

You released a loud scream as you sat straight up in your bed, your chest heaving in fear and shock as you took in the shirtless figure laying directly beside you, sending you a million-dollar smile.

Your eyes were wide as you stared at him.


His smile only seemed to widen at your evident shock. He was clearly enjoying how flustered you were. You face was practically glowing red with embarrassment.

"Well, good morning to you too."

You glanced around the room frantically, making sure no one was around to see the former king in bed with you.

"What are you still doing here?" You scolded quietly. "If someone were to walk in and see you, they'd-"

Taehyung interrupted you with a deep chuckle, his hands running through his sandy blond hair.

"I didn't mean to stay," He started humorously. "I just fell asleep here and when I woke up, you just looked so peaceful so I decided to watch you for a few moments....but then I lost track of time."

You forced yourself to ignore his last comment.

"You should go now, before someone sees."

The former king shook his head, propping himself up on his elbow, causing the silk sheets to fall down and reveal his toned chest and torso.

"You said we were going to stay in bed all day." He stated. "So lay back down and allow me to hold you again."

You swallowed hard, your eyes momentarily moving down to admire his bare skin. He was so lean and muscular. Taehyung had always worn loose robes in the previous dimension and in this one as well, so you had never really seen the outline of his body. You had always known that Taehyung was handsome, there had never been any question in your mind about that....He was beautiful, but the way he looked in that moment....with his top half completely bare and on display for you to had you thinking about him in a different way.

The young royal noticed your gaze, a smirk pulling on his lips.

"Or," He started in a low, husky voice. "We can find other activities to keep us.... entertained."

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