Chapter 4: Enemies

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"Allow your enemies their space to hate; they will destroy themselves in the process."


"Are you insane?!"

Your voice rang throughout the room you stood in, your feet pacing the floor as you ran a hand through your hair, anger was radiating off of you in waves.

After your audience with Taehyung, you were lead to your new room by a few of his guards. The room was huge. The walls were decorated with painted pictures, and a few pieces of furniture.

In the corner there was a large vanity with three large mirrors, golden pieces of jewelry were laid out for you, along with a hairbrush and a plate of grapes.

A large king-sized bed sat in the middle of the room, a large canopy of blue, sheath material was hung from the ceiling, and draped down to make a tent over the bed. The sheets on the bed were made of golden silk, the large pillows on the bed were fluffy and looked extremely comfortable. The duvet on the bed was blue and made of a velvet material.

There was a large doorway on the outside wall of your room, which lead to a large balcony, white curtains were the only thing separating your room from the outside world.

Jimin sighed as he sat down on the large bed, his hands resting on the velvet bedspread beneath him.

"You shouldn't have made that deal with him!" You stated. "I told you, I'm not a goddess."

The blind high priest listened as you paced the room anxiously, the cool, evening wind blowing in from the open balcony and hitting his face.

"Yes you are. Even if you don't know it yet." he said. "I have complete faith in your abilities."

You watched as Hoseok frowned, running a hand through his dirty blond hair.

"She's right, Jimin." He started. "I believe in her too, but the Pharaoh is a trickster, and he doesn't like it when something is taken from him. Even if she proves herself, he will find some way to kill you."

The chestnut-haired male nodded.

"I know, but this was the best option for us." He stated. "If I didn't accept the deal, Y/n would have been captured and forced to serve Pharaoh. I bought us some time."

You shook your head.

"And what about you? If I don't preform a miracle in seven days, you die. Why would you put your fate into the hands of a stranger?"

Jungkook crossed his arms, leaning his body against the balcony door way.

"Because he's going to die anyway." he muttered out.

Your blue eyes snapped to Jungkook's form, raising your eyebrows in confusion.


"Jungkook." Jimin scolded from his sitting position. "That is enough."

"No," You started. "What is he talking about?"

Jungkook moved his gaze to Jimin, a frown settling on his face.

"Are you going to tell her or should I?"

Jimin released a heavy sigh, standing up slowly.

"It is none of her concern." He stated blankly.

"Yes it is." You argued. "Why did he say you were going to die?"

The high priest ran a hand through his hair as your gaze darted around the room, Hoseok rubbed his neck nervously while Jungkook stared at Jimin, an unknown secret floating amungst them.

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