my mate is a fox

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Beacon Hills, the city of supernatural, you can find everything about the supernatural in this city. but something you shall be careful about is the Hale pack and the Foxes. the Hale pack has its alpha, Derek Hale, the pack is built by some other supernatural creatures. the Foxes is new to Beacon Hills, but the fight between them and the wolves has gone back from ancient times. the fight has been around for so long that they don't know why they are fighting, but the legend has it that one day, a fox and a wolf will become mates. for both parts the mating ritual is holy, its when the cosmos has seen two supernatural creatures there are lost or simply lucky, it ties them with the mate-pull, the mate-pull is when the two of them can feel that the cosmos has given them a mate. they can detect their mate with smell or sounds. 

so what will happen if Derek Hale, Alpha of the most terrifying pack in Beacon Hills is mated to a fox? Will, there come good things out of it or will it end in disaster? 

Derek's P.O.V 

I was out doing my normal round, checking that everything is safe. it was there I smelled it, Felt it, the mate-pull. the sweet smell of honey and sugar, a fresh wind blew and gave me more of this sweet sweet smell. I followed the smell when it meant that my mate was close. I walked deeper into the forest, where I began hearing snoring. a small creature breathing, how could someone make breathing sound so beautiful? so easy. I followed now the scent and the sound of the beautiful tone of my mates breathing. I arrived at a big green open field, a place I have never been even though it belonged to my territory. but out on the middle on the field laid a beautiful small pale boy covered in flowers. it was cute until I saw the fox ears and tail. he was a fox, my mate is a fox. but I took a whiff once more so I could smell that scent again. he could probably smell me too becurse the next second he was awake. he looked at me, scared, confused. he smelled the air once more again just to make sure it was me he could smell. he slowly, very slowly, walked over to me, still on all four. I wanted to move away but my instinct said stay, he sniffed my leg still looking very suspicious. he then looked me right in the eyes, his eyes were a beautiful whiskey brown and a couple of moles were scattered on his cheek. it was there I saw it, I saw my mate in this fox. he then got up on his feet still a little smaller than me. 

" you smell weird, but good weird," his voice was cute and adorable at the same time. something tells me he doesn't know about the mate-pull, that is weird. 

" you smell the same way to me, what's your name?" I could see that he secretly tried to smell to me a bit more, I couldn't lie I did too but I hid it well. his fluffy tail wiggled from side to side 

" my name is Stiles, Stiles Stilinski. who are you,"  his big whiskey brown eyes were filled with curiosity, it had to be one of the most adorable things I had ever seen 

" My name is Derek, Derek Hale, where do you come from?" I was curious about where this beautiful fox came from. when I look closer he looks like its been tough on him. he had a torn red hoodie on and some big dirty sweatpants on. besides the clothing, he looks really skinny. he looks down and I knew he didn't want to talk about it, so I just offered a smile and hold him around the shoulder making him look up at me with big watery eyes. 

" hey it's ok, you can come home with me and stay if you like?" I said making a big smile appear on his face, we walked over to the house and while we were walking towards the door I chose to scratch his ears making him purr. he is the most innocent beautiful creature I have ever seen, I have never felt this way before, it feels like I want to give him the world without hesitation. we walked into the house there was empty, I could see that Stiles was frowning by All the different scents, he looks so Damn cute when his big Brown whiskey eyes landed on a box of fruit loops. I was still very confused that this little fox can be My mate, like how can it possible, I thought that wolves and foxes hated each other, but the things I Will do for this little furry creature is out of this world. He looked back at me with confusion written All over his cute pale face. I let out a small chuckle before I grabbed a bowl.

"that's fruit loops you have to taste them." I placed the bowl on the table and poured him some fruit loops. He looked at me All the time with those big eyes, how can All the tales about Foxes be true? How can something as cute as Stiles be described as a demon on earth? But I Don't Care, All I ever want is for him to be happy. I poured the Milk in the bowl, and he looked with big satisfied eyes All the time.

"try," I gave him a spoon and the bowl. I sat down and looked at him with a spoon full, of fruit loops in it. He sniffed curious to it, and carefully put it into his mouth.

His face lit up like he just found out its Christmas. He looked at me still with sparkles in his eyes and a big bright smile. He then demolished the bowl of fruit loops like he hasn't eaten something in a thousand years. he gave a quick jump when he heard the door open, and the talk of people filled the room. he quickly ran behind me and tugged my shirt. I could smell that he was scared, no he was terrified, I offered him a securing hand he quickly took and calmed just a bit down. the voices died out and I could hear that everyone rushed to the kitchen and the smell of anger filled the whole house. Scott, one of my Betas was the first to come to me. 

" Derek, why do I smell a fox?" he said with a low growl that made Stiles whimper. Scott looked at him his eyes changing to the normal golden amber and his claws were ready to tear anything apart. I flashed my eyes at him making him cringe. the rest of the pack arrived in the kitchen looking at Stiles with wired, furious looks in their eyes. I knew this would be their reaction but I can handle them, I am the alpha after all. 

" Derek why is there a fox in here," Scott asked making Stiles whimper again. I turned around and whispered in Stiles' ear that he needs to go to my bedroom, he did as I told him but earned a lot of glares at his way up to my room. I looked back at the pack flashing my eyes again, just to make it clear that I'm the leader.

" you all know the legends about the mate ritual right?" I asked but I knew the answer, becurse every wolf knew about the mating ritual. they nodded still irritated about the smell of a fox in their home. 

" well, the fox you saw is my mate," I said seeing big wide eyes popping out of their head

well, its gonna be exciting.

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