he is Mine!

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Derek's P.O.V 

"Well, the fox you saw is my mate," I said earning big eyes from the pack. confusion was written all over their faces like they have seen someone gets killed right in front of them. I know that wolves and foxes are meant to hate each other, but I feel like all I can feel for Stiles is, love. Scott got my attention when he cleared( loudly) his throat. I could tell it was one of the rare moments where he is serious. 

" your mate, is a fox?" he asked, his voice full of disbelief, I can't blame him tho, I didn't believe it at first, but when I smelt him it was clear that Stiles is my mate. I gave Scott a stiff nod since I can feel where this conversation is heading. I could feel all the tension in the room, like a cloud of silence, threatening to make this the hardest thing ever.

" how? the mate bond is supposed to be sacred, and then it chose to pair you with a filthy fox," Scott said in an angry undertone. but that last comment made my blood boil, and wolf howl in furry. In the blink of an eye, I held Scott in my hand, my claws digging into his neck.

" If you ever, and I mean EVER! call him that again, It's not only your throat I'll rip out. get it?" I could feel the furry travel through my veins, and start to cloud my mind. Scott gave a painful and terrified nod, and I could just smell the fear leak all over him. but I didn't let go, my wolf has broken through the surface of my control, and I could feel that it was starving for revenge. my vision was read and blurry and the control I had before was out the window, I was about to slash his throat when I heard a small, scared voice call my name.

" D-Derek," I turned around to see a crying Stiles on the Stairs, his lips trembling and his eyes red and puffy. Now my wolf didn't care about the low life Beta anymore, all it cared about, all I care about is my crying Stiles. I ran over to him taking him into a warm and tight embrace, as I could hear his heartbeat returning to its normal rhythm, Stiles looked up at me with those big brown eyes there could pierce my soul. 

" Derek please don't fight, I'll leave since I'm not welcome," I wiped the newly formed tear away from his eye and placed a sweet, short kiss on his soft pink lips, making him blush. he is adorable, the most beautiful creature ever, and I'll be damned if he left me with that idiot to Scott.

" listen to me, Stiles, you are my mate, you are just as much pack as the others are and no one, no one shall make you feel unwelcome," He still looked me in the eyes, but the spark of hope had returned once more in the sweet, brown orbs. I swiped a few more tears away before giving him a real kiss ( just to show the pack that Stiles ain't going anywhere.) I could taste the sweet fruit loops on his lips, and the smell of him makes me go nuts, his lips were softer than anything I ever imagined. when we pulled apart I for air, I could feel the pack stare at us.

" go up in my room I'll be there in a sec, ok," I gave him a quick peck on the lips before he disappeared up the stairs. I then turned to the pack, flashing my eyes into the crimson red to show that I'm dead serious. 

" listen I don't wanna repeat myself so I say it only once if any of you as much as hurt him, scare him, or just making him feel just a little bit unwelcome, I'll swear to god there will be no body left to burry, got it?" the whole pack cringed but nodded. I turned around and shifting my eyes back as I walked up the stairs to my room, seeing Stiles looking in a book.

" Latin?" I asked as I recognized the cover on the book. he gave a nod before laying the book down and looking down at the ground. I could smell that he was sad again, so I pulled him up on my lap as I hold him tight.

" whats wrong Stiles?" 

" they don't like me, I can feel it, they hate me they wanna get rid of me," he said sobbing loudly. I couldn't deny that the pack didn't like him, but if they were to try anything that includes Stiles leaving they will face the consequences. 

" hey if they try anything like that, they have to get through me first," I said, making a smile appear on his face. god, I love when he smiles, it's like all the stars in one smile. 

" now can you speak Latin since you seem to understand that book?" I asked, he gave a smirk before he nodded. he turned in my lap so he was facing me.

" ego Amare te (  I love you)" he said his cheeks burning a bright red, I chuckled as I gave him a sweet passionate kiss. the moment quickly got interrupted when I heard a knock on the door, I could smell who it was, it was Issac.

Isaac is one of my Betas, but he is like a son to me, that's why he sometimes calls me dad. Isaac is the one I think could easily be friends with Stiles. he is so pure of heart that I can't even imagine Issac hate anything, of course, Isaac can hate people but it's rare, so I can't see why would hate Stiles.

" come in Isaac," as he came in Stiles hid his head in my shoulders, holding on a little too tight. I smiled at how cute he is before I turned my attention to Issac.

" Uhm dad, there is a new pack in Beacon Hills," he said with a trembling voice, I looked at him confused, we have dealt with a shit ton of pack here in Beacon Hills what can be different?

" and what's wrong with that?" I asked looking at the frightened curly haired boy, there stank with fear. 

" they have five witches in their pack," 

" what!!?"

*Hey everybody thanks for reading this fic. I know that it is a bit late I update but I Have dealt with some painful writers block so please bear with me if this chapter suck. but I hope you guys will like it and recommend it to other Sterek lovers. anyways have a Happy New Year, lots of love <3 <3 <3  

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