now that I'm pregnant

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Derek's P.O.V

When we all sat down on the couch, I could hear that Stiles walked down the stairs. I looked at him confused why he wasn't asleep. he crawled up on my lap an curled up against my chest as he buried his face into the crook of my neck, breathing in my scent and wrapping his tail around my waist.

" I wanna be with you down here," he said yawning and stretching his arms out before he fell asleep. sometimes he just surprises me that he can get any cuter. I buried my hand into the big brown bush of hair on his head making him sigh in relaxation. After a few moments, he was fast asleep with small and innocent breaths. I could feel everybody staring at me, but I don't care who sees me and Stiles, as long as they know that he is mine. 

" it's really unusual that your mate is a fox, the fact that he is pregnant is even more remarkable, where did you find him?" June asked in a dense and quiet tone with a hint of curiosity. I let out a sigh looking down at Stiles there were nibbling a bit on my arm as he was deep asleep.

" I found him out in the woods when I was doing a daily check on my territory, I saw that he was my mate when I looked him in the eyes, It was confusing and magical at the same time," I said not taking my eyes away from my sweet sleeping fox in my lap. he stirred a bit so laid with his stomach upwards with his T-shirt exposing his smooth pale skin. I put my hand on his stomach feeling heat underneath my hand and listen to the heartbeat of my mate and my child. 

" do you know where he is from I mean he must have been somewhere else, sorry for all the questions but I have never seen a fox like yours," she said in a soft tone showing she was truly sorry if she was pushing too hard. 

" he told me but I think he needs some time before he tells it to everybody else, he is fragile when it comes to his feelings," I said as I could feel his tail wag as I softly and slowly rubbed his tummy making a smile appear on my face. the sound of my mate's and my baby's heartbeat is like music played like a lullaby.

" well can you tell the whole story of what happened to..... you know," she said her tone switching from curious to nervous and filled with hatred, I can't really judge her. Peter was power crazy after the fire and was not the uncle I grew up with anymore. the man I killed was a crazy lunatic with nothing but blood and murder on his mind, my uncle was a sweet and funny man who could light up almost every situation with a joke. 

" well, you need to hear the whole story. about two years ago my uncle started to go on a rampage, he found the out the person who killed our family. her name was Kate Argent, a werewolf hunter. she burned our house for about nine years ago. the only survivors were me, my sister and my uncle. after the murder of our family, my uncle became insane and killed my sister there was the new alpha and got her power as alpha and started a rampage here in the city. we killed him but he used one of our friends to come back to life. after that he left us and moved to England where he got killed by a hunter, he is gone for good," I said in a dark tone.

I could feel Stiles stir in my lap, so I looked down to see his big brown eyes with tears in them look at me as he threw his arms around my neck. he must have heard the story cause he kept rubbing my back and put sweet kisses on my neck. I smiled for myself. I may have lost my family, but I have somehow got a new one, a second chance.

" well it's getting kinda late we're gonna go to bed, there is a guest room down the hall if you want to stay," I said to June there nodded as she went down the, and were in the guest room in seconds. 

as for me, I had a sleepy but yet clingy fox hanging on to me so I had to maneuver me into our bedroom. when I finally reached our bedroom he was asleep letting out tiny snores there in my ears sounded like an angel being born. 

I laid him down on the bed, softly, as I started to strip him down to his boxers, exposing his smooth, milky white skin. he let out a small groan as he grabbed out in mid-air like a baby grabbing for its mother. I stripped down quickly and laid beside him feeling cling to me and tangle himself up in me like he was holding on for dear life. I smiled and kissed his forehead as I heard to the heartbeat inside him thumbing like a drum that lulled me to sleep

*next day

I woke up to puking noises coming from the bathroom making me jump out of the bed and get to the bathroom in a hurry. In the bathroom, I could see his fluffy tail laying on the floor and his ears flat on his head while he was emptying out his stomach in the toilet. I was by his side in a second whispering sweet nothings to him and rubbing his back in comforting circles making him relax a bit. 

when he is done he looked upon me with watery eyes and clung to me gripping to my skin tightly.

" Its ok babe you are doing great wanna get breakfast, we can get whatever you want," I said laying my arm protective around his neck making a relaxed sigh come out of him as he gave a soft nod.

"can we get blueberry pancakes with extra maple syrup?" he said in a weak voice there was barely a whisper.

" anything babe," I said picking him up bridal style walking down to the kitchen.

 when we got down in the kitchen the whole pack was there, even June was there. they were all there in the kitchen looking at me at Stiles. Scott sends a smile in my way letting me know they got this. I gave a nod as I carried Stiles into the living room to watch some tv. 

when I got out in the kitchen I could see that Scott Isaac and June were talking. it looked serious since Scott had 'the serious look'on his face. I couldn't hear what they were talking about since there was a lot of noise in the kitchen, so I turned my attention back at Stiles who were barely awake. I sat beside him on the couch, giving him a kiss. 

that apparently woke him up, becurse now he has himself pushed up against me deepening the kiss, and I couldn't deny him that. 

after 30 minutes the breakfast was done and we all gathered at the dinner table. under the whole thing, I could see Scott and Isaac send each other nervous looks. after we all were done and the dishes were done we all gathered in the living room watching tv. Stiles had already found his way on to my lap snuggling into me, I smiled as I planted my hand in his soft, yet messy hair. 

after an hour of watching tv the room basically drenched with nervousness and it was close to suffocating everybody in the entire room. I looked at Scott and Isaac there was looking at the floor with sweat dripping down their foreheads. the stink was coming from them in huge waves. that was enough what the hell is wrong with them.

" Alright, you two!" I said pointing at Scott and Isaac. " what the hell is wrong you are basically drenching of nerves and it's ticking me off, tell me now," I said making the two betas jump out of the two-man chair. they shared a look and Scott nodded to Isaac. 

" Well, Derek you won't be happy to hear this," Isaac said with a quivering voice.

what can be so wrong that they are scared to tell me, I am the alpha, they can tell me anything.

" we are taking to Mexico with June," 

* Hey everybody, yes I'm still alive just really tired. but here is chapter 14. I will say there are some parts there will be a bit wired becurse at that time I had been tired. I don't get that much sleep and I'm in and out the hospital where I'm talking with a psychiatrist there will help me with my mental health. but I hope you all can forgive me for the very very late update. love you all

daily question: what's your favorite animal? mine is a wolf obviously.

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