the missing E

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Derek's  P.O.V

" there is another baby, it's twins," I said feeling the extra heartbeat drum in my ears making it sound like an echo. I looked at Stiles to see that he looked at the stomach and was beginning to sob. 

"you're not happy?" I asked looking at him worried. his ears shot up and he shot me a pair of sparkling eyes showing nothing but the love he had in him.

" it's happy tears," he said as he launched right into my arms. he was laughing and sobbing at the same time as buried his face in my neck. I rubbed his stomach feeling warmth beneath my hand. I could feel his tail wag as it hit my leg every time it went back and forth. we sat there what felt like hours when Boyd came looking like he had seen a ghost. 

" Boyd, what's wrong? where is Erica she was supposed to be with you," when I asked that question he broke down, tears streamed down his face and muffled sobs came from him as he had buried his face in his hands. I could tell something was wrong. Boyd wasn't exactly the type of person to share emotions, the only one he shares them with is Erica, who is his mate, and she is the only person in the pack who has heard Boyd cry. 

" It's Erica, It took Erica, the beast took her right in front of me and I couldn't do a god damn thing!" he yelled punching a hole in the floor, scaring Stiles a bit. 

" we will get her back Boyd, don't worry," Stiles said as he crawled over to Boyd to give him a motherly like a hug. it was wired to see Boyd, the brick wall as Jackson calls him, break down in the small and skinny Stiles who is even more vulnerable becurse of the pregnancy. but as the Alphas mate, he has automatically become the second alpha, or as the pack calls him the pack mom. 

" we need to get the others back we are all going to Deaton," I said getting my leather jacket and boots, and taking the keys from the bowl in the kitchen. I could feel Boyd's curious eyes in my back, so I gave a nod in Stiles' direction and pointed at my ears, giving him a signal to listen. I could see his face light up and he decided to help Stiles get his shoes on.

Stiles' P.O.V

" Derek stop making the fucking car jump or I'm gonna throw up and you damn well that I'm in NO motherfucking condition to clean it up myself," 

It wasn't meant to sound that mean but it just came out that way. I looked at Derek there had the most shocking expression painted on his face. I let my ears fall flat on my head, showing that I'm sorry, I bow my head to show my submission, showing he is the stronger one. I could feel the car stop with a screech and hear hard breathing come from Derek's seat. I felt a hand with claws instead of nails, I immediately knew that Derek was upset.

" Boyd we need a moment alone, please," I could hear that he struggled to get the words without yelling or roar it out. I heard Boyd leave the car like it was on fire, he smacked the door closed and I could hear him run away to a distance where he can't hear me and Derek fight, probably?

" can you tell me what the hell that was about?" he said, still in a hard tone but a bit more controlled. there were no claws on his hand anymore and the hand had traveled up to my cheek. his pinky hocked itself onto my jaw, forcing me to look up. my eyes met the forest green eyes there had a gold-ish shimmer to them and found no anger my ears had heard before.

" I yelled at you, I was rude to you, my mate, the one who has given me everything. I'm sorry for yelling at you," I said feeling tears leave a wet trail down my cheek and soak into my stretchy pants. Derek's expression has changed and he let out a sigh as he pulled me closer.

" you don't have to apologize, but you have no idea what you did there, you showed submission," he said letting a finger rub on the spot between my neck and shoulder. I looked at him confused. he let out a sigh before he placed me in front of him rubbing my baby bump.

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