a heartbroken goodbye

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Scott's P.O.V 

" We are taking to Mexico with June," I said making the room go dead silent. 

the girls stopped talking, Boyd and Jackson's eyes were popping out, and the sound of Stiles' munching has died too. I looked over at Derek to see his eyes glowing the familiar crimson red making me grab for Isaac's hand. I'm glad that he is not only my mate but my anchor too, cause without him I wouldn't dream of standing up to my alpha and say that I and his first made Beta was taking to Mexico. 

I could see that Stiles could see Derek's look and decided to give him a kiss, he knew Derek better than anybody ( probably becurse Derek doesn't let anyone close,) that apparently seemed to calm him down becurse he was now sitting in his chair that I hadn't noticed he was standing from. there was still a small crimson glow in his eyes but they were not as terrifying as the blood-red ones.

" why are you going to Mexico?" he asked raising an eyebrow making my heart drop like it was stone and a lump form in my throat that I swallowed hard. I looked at Isaac to see him giving me one of his famous Colgate smiles that made my heart swell every time I saw it. he gave my hand a squeeze, squeezing courage into my blood.

" well, June told us how she wanted to rebuild the Mexican pack and how they were at a low number of werewolves so, me and Isaac thought that maybe we could offer our help, like when countries are in a war and some other countries help by sending their soldiers to help," I said looking at my alpha feeling the courage that I had slowly fall out like sand through my hands. 

" and you two wanna do it by your own free will?" he said but I feel the question was headed towards Isaac. since Issac is Derek's first beta he made, plus Isaac's biological father can't take care of him, Derek had chosen to adopt him which means Isaac is kinda Derek's son in a way I don't understand. I could hear Isaac sigh in frustration looking at Derek. 

" yes, we are. you have always taught us that we shall help other packs no matter what, that's what we are doing now, please support us on this dad, besides I have never seen a rock outside beacon hills," he said with a stern yet soft and sweet voice.  

I could see that Derek was fighting himself, that 's how he always been over for Isaac. he wants him to stay safe but he can't say no to him. he rubs the bridge of his nose showing he is really overthinking. he stops to look at me to pierce me with his eyes looking for anything that could indicate that I doubt or second choices. I took Isaac's hand and felt the warmth rise through me, I will never have any doubts when it comes to Isaac. and It seems that Derek can see that couse he lets out a heavy sigh as he gives a small nod. 

" Thanks, Dad," Isaac says as he gives Derek a hug. Derek hugs back but has a sad smile on his face, he hugs Isaac harder than the other times, maybe it's his goodbye. I can see that Stiles Is Crying so I decide that while Derek and Isaac has a farther and Son moment I will comfort Stiles. I give him a hug that he takes by pulling me in making it almost hard for me to breathe. 

" I'm gonna miss you two so much," he whispered in my ear as another tear rolled down his cheek. I rubbed his comforting looking him in the eyes.

" I'm gonna miss you too bud, and I'm gonna face time all you every day, and you gotta keep us up with the baby, I wanna be here when it comes. and please stay out of trouble," I said grinning making Stiles punch my arm hard but not that hard again.  

" When are you leaving?" Derek's voice pierced the silence which made me jump a little bit. I looked at June who looked really uncomfortable right now.

" tomorrow," she said very quietly that even I had trouble hearing what she was saying. I looked at Derek who was looking at Isaac with that worried farther look in his eyes.

" are you ready for it?" he asked Isaac with more emotion than he has shown any other pack member except Stiles. Isaac looked at me and gave a nod and sent me a glowing white smile that couldn't help but return.

" ok, I'll Drive you tomorrow, " Derek said in a defeated voice as he had just putten an entire kindergarten to bed. I got up to Isaac and gave him a big hug which ended with a kiss. 

* next day

Stiles' P.O.V 

" I wanna go too," I said in a stern tone, the argument I and Derek are having right now is that he thinks that I should stay home becurse of the baby, that was a stupid argument.

"You're staying home, being in an airport could hurt the baby," he said showing a bit of tooth but he didn't scare me, I've seen him cry to Bambi more than one time.

" that's bullshit, I want to go and say goodbye to my friends, you should understand that Derek," I said looking him dead in the eye. he looked back and rubbed the bridge between his nose and let out a sigh. I smiled as I jumped up and kissed him, I know he can't stay mad at me when I kiss him. 

I let out a (manly) squeak as he walked out to the car with me in his arms, and of course, I got to ride shotgun. 

We drove for about an hour before we arrived at the airport. there were so many sounds that Derek had gotten me a bennie to cover my sensitive ears. there was still time until their flight was leaving, so we sat down at a cafe to get something to eat.

" what do you think It's gonna be?" June asked pointing to my stomach I looked at Derek than Down at my Stomach, I had never stopped up to think what the gender of the baby, the only thing I have been thinking about is how excited I was to carry Derek's baby. 

" whatever it will be it's gonna get all of my love," I said smiling, feeling A warm and muscly arm wrap around me planting a warm hand on my Stomach. I looked up to see that Derek was smiling too. I planted a kiss on his lips feeling the stubbles scratch my skin. there was a loud bell ringing making my ears hurt for a small 10 seconds before I could take my hand off my head. 

It was the bell that was signaling that their plane was ready for them to get on. I took Derek's hand holding onto it really hard that I could see It hurt him, but he sent me a smile. I gave him a confused look tilting my head. 

" I'll be fine, I will heal, remember this, there is nothing I wouldn't do for you," he said leaning over whispering it in my ear. I gave his hand a light squeeze as we continued to the gate, it took about 15 minutes. 

" well, this is goodbye?" Isaac said making me jump in for a hug, crushing him with my arms in what will for now be our last hug. 

" Ok Stiles please don't break my boyfriend, I kinda need him," Scott said in a chuckle. I ran over to him giving him just as a bone-crushing hug as I had given Isaac. I wiped a few tears away as I gave them my best smile as they walked down the gate waving back at me and Derek. I stood and looked at their plane take off and fly away from us and make the journey to Mexico. after the plane was out a sight I still stood there like I was paralyzed.

" babe? are you coming home with me?" Derek said in the worried boyfriend tone he almost used every time I was sad. 

" Yeah, I'm coming," I said looking at the runway where their plane had taken off half an hour ago. 

" bye, guys," I said smiling at the sun that I hadn't noticed was about to set

* hey guys chapter 15 is out, thank gawd it's not super late, but anyways. this chapter is more of the second part of chapter 14 but it's still a chapter so It's like an extra chapter, kinda. anyways hope you all enjoyed it and are having an amazing day.

daily question: favorite song at the moment?

mine is let me cry by Laura Marano.   

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