a story to tell

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Stiles' P.O.V

flashback from Stiles' past

I was just sitting there reading a book, as I always do when they fight. I have been with Tara and Mathew for 17 long years, and it's only getting worse. they fight almost every day. either becurse they need more booze, that Tara thinks Mathew is cheating.  but anyway if they don't have their booze they go crazy, like animals. and it is always me there gets the worst. when they are drunk they make fun of my ears, my tail, or how pale and skinny I am. I am skinny becurse they use all the money on booze and drugs. That's right, there are drugs too, and It's where they get...... abusive. they drag me by the tail, down to the basement, and lock me away for days without food. they haven't always been like this tho. before the alcohol and the drugs, they were happy. but now it only seems like a memory fading. 

I am still reading, trying to ignore the screams and the fighting. I can hear by their voices that they are drunk, as usual. why can't they treat us good? me and Brother, Casper, has been here for too long. before they were like this, drunk and high, they used to tell us about how they found us.

" We were out on a walk in the forest, a good walk is always good for the health. anyways when we had walked for a good solid 2 hours, we heard cries. we were afraid that someone might have forgotten their babies. so we decided to walk over to the noise, there seemed to get louder and louder. when we got to the source of the noise, we saw a nice wooden box, covered in blood, with two beautiful boys in it. as we got a closer look we could see you were supernaturals. but we love you no matter what." 

now they don't even say hey, or goodnight. we got pulled out of school when they began to drink. of course the abuse doesn't affect us becurse we heal fast, but still, it hurts me that they want to hurt us. 

I just finished the book when my brother walks down the stairs, I could see some bruises on his face fade. as he sits on the sofa all the bruises and blood is gone. I could smell anger all over him and sadness, but he will never show his emotions, never. I was about to get a new book when I heard a high-pitch voice call my name making my ears hurt. I looked over at my brother who had a stone-cold face expression. 

I walked up the stairs seeing my foster parents hit each other. when they saw me, Tara put both her hands on my shoulders tightly, so hard that it hurt. she looked me in the eyes, with her fuzzy crystal blue eyes. I knew there was something wrong. 

" Stiles, sweetie," yup something was wrong. It's been years since she called any of us sweetie. but I was scared so the only thing I could do was giving a nod. 

" do you know where my pearl neckless are?" I knew where it is. she sold it a couple months ago to get money for some drugs. but she couldn't know that neither when she is sober or drunk. so I just shook my head.

that I shouldn't have done. the next thing I know, I'm being pushed to the floor and only seconds after I get a foot in my lower abdomen. I could feel the blood in my mouth but kept it in there since the last time I threw blood up I was locked down in the basement for 4 months. 

" YOU ARE LYING WHERE IS IT!!!" she yells out making my ears hurt like someone is putting needles in them. 

 "I 'm not lying," I said trying to hold the tears back. I felt a harder Kick in my stomach, making me grunt. she goes down on her knees and pinching my ears. my ears are very sensitive so of course, I can't keep the piercing scream back. she then whispers in my ears, alcohol still lingering in her breath.

" if I found out you are lying, your gone, get the picture sweetheart?" she said patting my ears, I nodded a few tears there had escaped, rolling down my cheeks. 

It takes me some moments before I get up on my feet and stumble down the stairs to Casper. when I got down he was In wolf form. he shifted back to human, looking me in the eyes with red glowing eyes. he has a plan, we are running away. I gave a quick and understanding nod. 

I walked up the stairs to check that Tara was in bed like she always is when she has taken drugs. and just as I predicted she was. 

Casper and I were out the door, the fresh air hitting us. when we had taken the moment in we ran, we ran towards the forest. we knew that Tara and Mathew didn't walk In the woods anymore so they won't go in here to find us. we ran faster and faster, getting away from the hell we were trying to escape from. 

we had run for about three hours before we stopped at a cross-road. I looked at my brother who had a sad look in his crimson red eyes.

is this goodbye?" I said with a sad and weak little voice there sounded pathetic right now. my brother shifted from wolf into a human. 

he let a hand run through the brown hair, and down to his jawline. he looked at me, now with sad ocean blue eyes, with a single tear slipping out the corner of his eye. he gave me a tight hug, with me pressing against him tears running down my eyes.

" it is goodbye, little brother. but I will always remember you, just as I hope you will remember me," he said with his light voice showing his braces. he was just as skinny as me since we haven't eaten in weeks. I nodded, not able to say another word. he gave me a sad smile before turning and running into the other end of the forest. 

end of flashback

I woke up with the feeling of strong and warm arms holding me and sweet mumbles filling my ears. I turn around to see Derek with a concerned look in his eyes. It was now I discovered that tears were shedding from my eyes. 

" wanna talk about it?" he asked in a sweet and soft tone, making me feel warm and safe. I nodded as I sat up. he could see what I was doing and pulled me onto his lap. I smiled as I made myself comfortable. I looked Derek deep in the eyes and felt that I really trusted him. 

we sat there for hours with me only talking about my abusive past, and Derek being the best boyfriend, the best mate, sitting and listen to me. when I was done talking he pulled me into a soft yet warm kiss making me so happy that tears were streaming down my face, falling down on Derek's bare chest. after the kiss, he pulled me into a tight hug.

" I will always protect you, I love you, Stiles,"

" thanks, Der, I love you too," 

I snuggled into his chest, slowly getting drowse. I could hear a light chuckle coming from Derek, I looked up to see a bright white smile looking at me, just shining with love. 

" I'm glad that you trust me, Stiles, I will never break that trust," he said planting a soft kiss on my forehead. 

" thanks, der, I trust with my everything," I said.

and just like that, the world of sleep greeted me like an old friend.

*hey guys hope you enjoyed this chapter.

I know that some of these characters aren't in the teen wolf series, but I have some good friends who had made good characters, so I thought.

'hey, why don't throw them in,'

It's ok if you don't like it, I understand. 

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