devil surprise

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Derek's P.O.V

" he is a vampire," Stiles said with a weak and quiet voice, looking at me with big brown eyes there were filled with fear.

" Oh crap," I said as I pulled up to the pack-house. I could smell how scared Stiles was, so I lifted him over so he was sitting on my lap. I gave him a sweet kiss as I rested my hands on his waist. I could feel him relax under the touch which made me happy.

" did he hurt you, are you okay?" I asked checking him everywhere. he shook his head as he snuggled into my chest deeper, I could feel tears staining my shirt and small quiet sobs escaping his sweet, soft lips. I wrapped my arms around him holding him even tighter then I did before.

" he almost killed the principal, I thought he would go for me too," sobbing even louder. I kissed his neck cooing him, whispering sweet words to calm him down. I know how easily scared Stiles could be, so this was terrifying for him. I could feel him clutching my shirt into his fist still bawling his eyes out into my chest. I could see he really got scared by this.

I opened the door, with Stiles'legs around my waist as we got to the Door. I walked up the stairs with him holding my hands around his hips so he wouldn't fall down. when we got into our bedroom, yes this is my and Stiles' bedroom now, becurse he is staying. we are like a married couple, except we aren't married and we are only boyfriends. I know Stiles can be scared of the new, so proposing is probably not the best thing for him right now.

I could feel Stiles shift a little in my lap making his butt go down on my crotch. I let out a low groan at the movement. He looked at me confused, but remember what he did and did it again with a satisfied look on his face. I let out a not so low growl, as my hands traveled down his sides making him shiver a bit. he leaned forward biting a bit at my neck, licking it when he was done with biting the area. 

" you always make me feel better Derek," he breathed out in heavy pants. I growled as It was my turn to attack his neck. I sucked everywhere to find his sweet spot. when I found it I sucked on it hard leaving a Hickey there disappeared within seconds. 

" D-Derek," he breathed out slowly. I made a humming telling him to go on. 

" I-I have n-never D-Done this B-Before," he stuttered out while his breathing still sounded heavy.

" Don't worry babe, I'll go easy," I said in a hushed tone making sure he was ok. I looked at him and he gave a little nod showing that he was ready.

Damn, he is so beautiful. 

3 hours later. pack meeting

Stiles' P.O.V

" what!?" Scott practically yelled out

" I'm afraid so Scotty," Stiles said looking out at the pack's shocked expressions. Derek has told me that the pack only ever have dealt with other wolf packs and that witch pack that took me, but other than that they haven't met any other supernatural creatures, so vampires were something new for them. 

" well, how are we going to kill him?" Jackson said making all the eyes go onto him. I still don't trust him a part of this pack. 

" we are going to ask Deaton for help he must know something about vampires," Derek said with a tired sigh. I sat down feeling a jolt in my butt.

" whats wrong Stiles?" Isaac asked with a confused look on his face. I instantly felt my face heat up as I thought back 3 hours ago with Derek. I could hear the whole pack began to sniff at me and then made some wired faces. I looked at Scott who's mouth was in a 0 shape. 

" you guys did it Didn't you?" Lydia said with a smile on her face. I swear to god I was feeling like a fucking tomato. the whole pack burst into a fit of laughter, I pulled myself into Derek a bit embarrassed that the others found out. I could feel a pair of soft lips on my forehead, and It made me feel safe. 

" don't be embarrassed Stiles, It's normal for couples to do," Erica said giving a wink that made me blush even harder. I pulled Derek down with me Into the soft chair snuggling into him, and hear the pack coe with a big 'awwwe.'

" but we need a strategy to how we keep an eye on him. He has obviously moved to the school to kill so we need to stick close to him," Derek said in a serious tone as the pack nodded. He looked at me with his Beautiful green eyes, then he looked back at the pack again.

" and I want you all to protect Stiles, He needs protection from all of you since he can't control his powers or knows how to trigger them," he said with a stern voice, but I could hear the fear and the concern behind the broody facade. I'm kinda proud that he only acts sweet lovey around me. I kissed him on his nose which made him smile and kiss me back. 

" yeah, but how do we know he won't kill us, or Drink our blood?" Scott said making Jackson nod in agreement. I let out a sigh before clearing my throat gaining the pack's attention.

" I know that vampires only like human blood, It's something that the blood of another supernatural creature for vampires are like eating old cereal," I said in my, I'm clever and you're not, voice making Scott frown a bit.

" but what if he attacks?" Issac said with fear written all over his face. he was obviously concerned for Scott.

" he wouldn't he doesn't even know where we live so that will be most unlikely, and attack with humans nearby I don't think so," Derek said in his strong alpha voice, god he is perfect.

" well should have thought better Hale," a voice said making all our heads snap over to the door where the emo looking, teen, was. he flicked a strand of his coal black hair away from his eyes. a growl erupted from Derek who's eyes was glowing red. I could see the others in the pack had also changed to their wolf form.

" get out of my house!" Derek roared, pushing me behind him to protect me better. I clung myself tight to his back taking a fist full of his T-shirt. I didn't think that Ryder would have known the place of our house.

" Aww, I can see you're protecting your little mate. well that's certainly interesting, your mate is a fox, that's really odd, bah It doesn't matter you are all gonna die anyway," he said ending it with a cold laugh making shivers travel down my spine. I heard Derek growl even louder and his fists clenched making blood drop down on the floor.

" touch him and I swear to god I'm ripping you to pieces vampire or not, you are the one going to die," Derek said showing his fangs. Ryder let out another bone freezing laugh looking at Derek with fang poking out of his gums and face features changing. within seconds I saw a fist connect with Derek's stomach making fall backward into my arms. I could see Ryder smile a devilish grin making my blood run cold. just as he was about to punch me Lydia threw herself on her him giving a deadly punch In his face. 

but turns out that was a bad idea, cause in a minute he was holding her in a strong grasp making his claws travel drown her neck drawing out blood. Lydia let out a piercing scream as his claws sank deeper in. he threw her across the room with the sound of bones cracking. Ryder let out a breath as he changed back to normal, looking at the pack with a cold smirk.

" this was just a warning," 

* hey guys hope you all enjoyed this chapter, I'm so glad that I get so much support and love. and I know that it is a bit early I 'm updating but I felt like writing, so I here it is chapter 9, please leave a vote if you like it that will make me so so happy. love you all

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