A/N my mental health

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Hey everybody. This is not an update on the story but an update on my life. The last chapter I said that was a cutter, that I did self-harm and that I was fallen back into it. I have been fighting a lot with it and if it has scared some of you I'm truly sorry. The point of daily questions is so that I can get to know you guys and that you guys can get to know me. So again if the thing about cutting and self-harm scared or find it in any shape or form hard to hear about please tell me. You all mean so much to me and that is one of the reasons I'm stopping cutting myself because of you guys are showing so much support and love. Every time I look at how many have readen this or my other fic I get so warm and happy inside because there are people who read what I write.

So I hope that you all are ok with it and that all of you are ok, have a good day and be happy to be alive.

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