I'm gonna tear right through them

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Derek's P.O.V

'3 weeks after the news'

" Stiles, come down here," I called on my sweet beautiful fox. Stiles and I have been together for three weeks now, and I have got to know him better, I know he likes the baseball bat I have in my room, even tho he can't play. he likes curly fries from the diner nearby, he goes completely crazy when I come home with some. and for some reason ( and I can't blame him) he really doesn't like Jackson, but again I can't blame him, there are a lot of people there don't like Jackson. 

" yes, sourwolf," he sang when he basically danced down the stairs. oh yeah and for some ( odd) reason he has come up with the nickname 'sourwolf,' I don't know why. I am glad Stiles is my mate, he is funny when you get to know him, but he is really sensitive, he really doesn't like when I yell at the pack or when the pack is angry at each other. 

" I'm out to do my daily rounds, you stay with Isaac, ok?" just as I predicted, it didn't take long before him and Stiles became really close friends, and he even helps Stiles gain weight, becurse he was really underweight when I found him. but the rest of the pack had their doubts about Stiles, I understand they were skeptical at first, but they should have realized by now that Stiles isn't dangerous. 

" ok but be back quickly, becurse I have made you something I want to give you when you come back," and last but not least he is really creative and smart, I once printed out some of the other's homework and he got all of the answers right, so we decided to send him to School with the others, of course, I got it arranged so he had the same classes as Isaac so there is no danger to him.

"I will babe, ego Amare te (I love you)" for some reason, we always say 'i love you' on Latin, but it doesn't matter in which language it is said in, the meaning is true. a bright red blush came across his face as he walked into Isaac's room I chuckled because he is really cute when he blushing. I walked out of the house and changed into my wolf form and started to head for the forest

Stiles' P.O.V 

" heeeey Isaac," I said with a big grin on my face, I have clearly got his attention, becurse he looked at me with the same goofy grin.

" what have you done," he said in a joking tone, I took my hand up to my chest and let out a fake offended gasp.

"I'm offended, here I am just wanting to hang out with my friend, and then I get accused, I am offended sir Isaac," he immediately burst out in laughter, and I couldn't help but laugh with him. Issac is really funny, he is a really great friend, he really wants me here, I mean besides Derek. 

" do you have to be so loud Stilinski?" it was Jackson, I really can't stand him, all he does is talk about himself, and he can act like a first class asshole sometimes ( all the time) 

" go away Jackson, you know what Derek will do if he finds out about it," Isaac said earning a loud snort from Jackson, I really don't like Jackson's scent, it's messed up, it's like I can't smell the natural scent, or maybe he just smells bad becurse he is an asshole.

" ha Derek is nothing but a puppy, all he does is fool around with Stilinski here,"

Isaac's P.O.V 

when Jackson said that I could smell something different in my room, it was anger. I looked over at Stiles' eyes there was turned into a burning orange color with a red undertone. out of his cheeks was growing whiskers, his nose was turning into a black snout and claws was forming at the place where his normal nails have been before. I could see that Stiles's transformation had caught Jackson's eyes, and he looks just as surprised as me. Stiles got up from my bed and started to walked over to Jackson with a burning orange/red aura around him. he stopped millimeters away from Jackson making a low and terrifying growl. 

" I know what Derek told he would do if one of you guys hurt me, but if I, hear you say that again I'll do it myself," and out of nowhere Stiles' fist connected with Jackson's stomach and send him flying into a brick wall there made cracks when he flew into it. 

the aura around Stiles disappeared, and he turned back to normal, he turned around to look at me, but when he did I heard a window break and five blackbirds flew into my room. a thick purple fog appeared out of nowhere and I knew it was the witches, I turned into wolf form as quick as possible. but when the fog cleared they were gone, WITH STILES. 

I ran outside to howl for help, I hope that Derek will hear so he can help us to look after the witches and Stiles. I could hear my alpha's howl in the forest so I knew he wasn't far away.

Derek's P.O.V

when I got back, I changed back from wolf form. I was furious and scared, my mate has gotten kidnapped by five fucking witches. I got inside where I saw the whole pack was together around Isaac. when he saw me he quickly laid in front of me, crying hysterically. 

" I'm so so sorry dad, I tried but I couldn't see anything, a-and now he is gone," 

I got down and gave Isaac a hug. I know it wasn't his fault, I know that Issac never gives up without a fight. 

" Its ok Isaac you did your best, "I could hear that he stopped crying when I said those words. I then looked at the pack. I have to ask them for help, I can take down two witches, but not five. but I need my mate, so I will swallow my pride for him, for my Stiles.

"I know you guys don't like Stiles, maybe you hate him, but he is pack so can you guys please help me find him," 

" we don't hate him, Derek, it's in our nature to act like this near a fox. but we will try to give him a chance, for you. now let's go find your mate," Scott said, god sometimes things can get through that thick skull. I nodded running up to get my things for the hunt. I was about to leave when I saw a piece of paper on my pillow. it was a drawing, it was me, Stiles must have made this. a tear fell from my eye and furry traveled through my system. 

" I'm gonna tear right through them" I growled as I looked at the drawing. 

 * yay, double update. I just wanna make up for the late update so I made chapter 3 today. 

also, I saw another here on wattpad do this where he asked daily questions sooooo.

daily question: how old are you??

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