a happy family

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Stiles' P.O.V 

3 months later.

It is a rainy Friday here around the packhouse, which always means cookies and horror movies. I have been feeling more at peace with my fear and anxiety since Kate kidnapped the whole pack, it was like a wake-up call showing me being careless and only live in bliss can lower your defenses and leave you open for Attacks. of course it's not bad to live in the moment of happiness, I just got a brand new perspective of life from the experience. 

" smells good," Derek said making almost giving me a heart attack, and of course he had to laugh at it.

" You asshole," I said pissed, still I couldn't stop joining him in his fit of laughter, and soon we both were in the kitchen laughing like maniacs. I could hear that Derek had stopped laughing so I took a deep breath before looking at him seeing that he had a full-blown smile plastered on his face.

" what do I have flour on my face?" I asked wiping my face trying to feel if there's any flour there, he just shook his head as he moved closer taking me in by the waist as our faces moved closer. feeling a rising heat I laid my arms around his neck as his hands were moving from my waist up to my large baby belly as he looked me in the eyes still smiling.

" You have no idea how happy you make, even just by laughing," he said as his lips lightly touched mine and began to move and gentle rhythm that I soon myself found out I was following with willingly. I moved my hands up into his soft raven black hair as he started to deepen the kiss, making, even more, heat rise in the already warm kitchen, wait why is it this warm in the kitchen I looked over to see the oven smoking.

" oh shit," I said, as I quickly I rushed to the oven that was close to burning. I turned it off and grabbed a pair of oven mitts and took out pitch black cookies there was uneatable now. I looked at Derek who was shocked by the sight of the burnt cakes, his facial expression made it impossible not to break out in laughter. he shot me a confused look as my fit of laughter just kept growing.

when I finally had caught my breath again I placed the burnt cookies on the counter as I moved closer to Derek who still looked confused. I laced my fingers with him as I placed our hands on my belly.

" if you are as happy as I am than I have a pretty good idea how happy you are," I said swinging my arms carelessly around his muscular neck, giving him a deep kiss filled with love, appreciation, happiness. 

" Guys, what the fuck happened to the cookies?" Lydia exclaimed loudly as she had seen the cookies there was suffering from more than third-degree burns. Derek and I looked at each and shared a smug laugh like we were laughing at an inside joke no one else knew about.

we went into the living room where we decided that Doritos was an ok replacement for cookies even tho cookies would definitely have been the best. me and Derek, of course, took the middle of the biggest couch where we started to cuddle up right the second as we sat down, but hey nothing is better in this world than cookies and cuddles but in this situation, it is Doritos and cuddles which is ok even though there are no cookies. 

we decided on three horror movies, IT, happy death day and child's play. all those movies are scary but I know that the others would kinda make jokes about it and then they are not scary at all but instead they become incredibly funny. well until something scared the living shit out of me, or pee, or water? MY WATER!!

" Stiles is that what I think it is?" Derek asked in a frightened voice. All I could do was respond with a nod and a strangled noise. after that, it all went so fast so I actually don't remember any of it  

Derek's P.O.V 

I felt a giant splash of something wet on my crotch where Stiles was sitting. I looked at him and saw that he was just as shocked as I was. 

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