one plus one is two

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*3 months later.

Stiles' P.O.V

"Derek!!!!!" I yelled down the stairs sitting on the stairs rubbing my feet since they were incredibly sore for no reason at all.

" what's the matter, baby?" he said running up the stairs like it was his own life there were on the line. when he reached the top of the stairs he looked at me with the " unimpressed look" but I shot my secret weapon, the innocent eyes, they always win.

" what's wrong now, yesterday I remember it was your back there was hurting, and the day before that it was your legs there were wobbly, what is it today?" he said looking at me. I know he meant it all sarcastically but I couldn't stop feeling that it hurt. I could feel tears swell in my eyes and leaving a burning trail down my cheeks.

" well, I'm sorry that this is so hard for you, let's go to Deaton and unpregnant me!!!" I yelled rolling up in a corner rubbing the bump on my stomach there had formed pretty quick after I got the news that I was pregnant. I couldn't help it, sometimes I just get so emotional for no reason at all, and I know this is hard for Derek too but I can't help it.

" no Stiles that's not what I meant,"

"then what did you mean?!" I yelled feeling more tears burn their way out of my eyes and down on my stomach leaving small dark dots on my T-shirt.

" I don't know, I wasn't thinking, believe me when I say that I want this child, we both just have to adapt to the changes there is following with this," he said in a husky tone. I haven't even noticed that he was right beside me, I looked him In the eyes and saw a shining light in them there convinced me every time. so I wasted no time throwing my self at him kissing him like it was for the last time.

" now what do you need help with Baby," he said rubbing my stomach, he has done ever since he found out that I was pregnant and to be honest I love the feeling of his hand go over my baby bump with grace as always, I love the way his warm and rough-skinned hand makes all of my thoughts go away.

" the kitchen," I said as I could feel my eyes closed and the world around me get blurry. I could hear Derek chuckle and I felt a warm spot on my forehead there disappeared only leaving a bit of that warmth it had brought with it.

" I think you need to go to the bedroom more than the kitchen sweetie," he said letting out another angel like chuckles. but I couldn't protest I was already asleep

Derek's P.O.V

once I had put my prince moody to sleep I walked down the stairs to the living room where the girls were sitting doing some makeup which made me smile becurse Stiles had apparently 'unlike me' a hard time saying no so he had said yes to Lydia Erica and Malia to do makeup on him. It's rare to see Malia lately, she is very absent and when she is here she is hardly ever smiling, but that day she was happy, maybe because of Stiles' good mood I don't know.

I sat down in the couch and turned on the Tv just to keep track of what's happening in Beacon Hills. as soon as I was on the news channel my attention was caught as I quickly saw the black headline say 'BREAKING NEWS: THREE PEOPLE MURDERED IN BEACON HILLS' I could feel the pack looking at me, it's been a long time since there had been murders in Beacon Hills which was making me suspicious. I heard a crack from the stairs and the sound skype is making when someone is calling you.

I looked at the stairs to see a very moody and tired Stiles walking down the stairs with my laptop placing it in front of me a bit harder than necessary, he sent the computer a death glare before he curled against me.

" Scott is calling you," he said in an angry and tired voice with an annoyed undertone. I gave him a kiss on his soft pink lips making him in a bit better mood. I smiled at him as I pressed the answer button and saw both Scott's, Isaac's and June's faces pop up on the screen. they all looked drained of color which is wired since they are in Mexico they should have gotten a lot tanner.

" Hey, guys what's up," Stiles said in a yawn that I was almost sure, shook the house a little bit. I looked surprised at him as he plowed a hand through the messy bush of hair on his head. I rubbed his tummy a bit which made him give in totally and just lean against my shoulder.

" Hey, guys," June said in a scared voice with a hint of worry in it. " we wish we were calling to get a little friendly chit chat but we discovered that the murders in Beacon Hills are from a supernatural creature called a sphinx," she said showing us a picture of it

 " we wish we were calling to get a little friendly chit chat but we discovered that the murders in Beacon Hills are from a supernatural creature called a sphinx," she said showing us a picture of it

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" holy shit that thing looks like it had a bad day," Lydia said, pointing out all the wrinkles out, Isaac shot Lydia a glare there just screamed 'really?'

" anyway," June continued where she was interrupted, 'thanks lyds.' "sphinxes don't have control of their own they have to have someone to tell them what to do, they need a boss, a master you name it, but this means it's not alone," she said in a cold tone. I could feel Stiles shaking and his tail wrap around me with the fur all spiky, and his ears lying flat on his head. by instinct, I lay an arm around his shoulders showing him I'm protecting him.

" well thank you for the information June," I said ending the call. I looked at the pack there had no expressions. I got up from the couch with Stiles clinging to my side.

" ok, you guys are doing patrol two and two since we don't know how strong this thing is, I'm staying at home protecting Stiles. IF! Anything happens you contact me right away telling me where it's heading. we gotta kill this and whoever there is controlling it fast, hopefully before Stiles gives birth," I said earning understanding nods from them all of them, and in no time they were out the door in wolf forms. I looked at Stiles there were sitting fumbling with his tail not looking up from the ground. I sat beside him placing my hands on his beutiful round stomach, he looks at me with those big brown eyes there had newly formed tears.

I still get hurt every time he cries and it still breaks me to pieces that he has to get all this thrown in the face plus the baby.

I leaned over and kissed him, filling it with love and care to try to show him that no one will love him like I do, that no one will fight for him as I would, and he felt that becurse in no time he was kissing back with the same love, same heat. I lifted a bit up in his shirt there was stretched to its maximum and still exposing his stomach and kissed his belly laying my head on it listening to the heartbeat. heartbeats?

I pull away and focus my hearing on everything in my soundings. Stiles shoots me a confused look as I go back to listening to his stomach again.

" Derek you're freaking me out what's wrong," he said stuttering a bit.

"there is one more,"

" what?"

" there is another baby, it's twins,"

* Hey everybody I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and the twist I threw in there, I have already picked names (sorry guys but I found the most perfect names ever) and again sorry for the 'late' update but not as late as the other, but I have hit a problem in my everyday life, I have picked up a bad habit that I have been having trouble with coming out from before. BUT I won't let it affect the fanfiction, so I think I will update every second week. but anyways hope you guys enjoy it and don't worry I will fight to keep you guys happy you guys mean the world to me, love you all.

Daily question: what bad habit do you have?

mine is sadly cutting.

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