without my drug

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Stiles' P.O.V

" I can get pregnant," I say with the whole pack, looking at me hoping it would be one big joke. but it's not it's the truth, all the witches told was the truth. I looked back at Derek there had all his color drained from his face and was sweating like he just ran a marathon. I could smell all the tension in the room, trying to suffocate me, I looked at no one saying a word, no one to say that it's ok, or that I'm out of the pack. I feel like I'm the worst person ever. I could feel every breath getting stuck in my throat and every word that I try to get out, getting killed by the silence.

And before I can count, my claws are out. I'm changing. I can feel the fire around me and in my bones, I can feel that every breath I'm trying to take ends up getting stuck in the air, refusing to get into my lungs. I can feel that my fox wanna get out, away from it all. so that's what I do. 

and in a few seconds, I'm out the door.

Derek's P.O.V

just as I was about to wake from the trance the shock had to send me into, I get a new one. I see the orange blur running out the door. I can feel my legs start to shake and my head starts spinning. my mate is running, away, from me.  he thinks I hate him, that I disgust that he can get pregnant. I love the idea of me and him having children so I need to get after him. I'm just about to leave when I feel a hand on my shoulder. it's Lydia. she shakes her head like she always does when I do something stupid. 

" give him some time Der, he loves you, he will come back," she says giving a friendly pat on my shoulder. I can see that Erica is right behind her nodding in agreement. I let out a  hard sigh before going back to the couch to sit down.

" he probably thinks I hate him," I say, my heart cracking when I think about it. I could have assured him it was okay, that I love him no matter what he does. 

" well, you didn't exactly react a way that indicated that you were happy,"  Jackson says, in a painful tone. he is right, I was just paralyzed, I should have done something to show him that I was happy about the news. but instead, I just stood there like a god damn idiot, messing it all up, and making my mate think I despise him.

" I need to see him, I don't care he needs to know," I said, ignoring Lydia there was about to shake her head again. I began to run out of the door, making a jump transforming into a wolf in mid-air. I began to head for the forest, picking up my mate's scent right away.

I'm gonna make it up to him, he is my mate and I...... 

I love him

Stiles' P.O.V 

I was running as I had never done before. my mate, my Derek hates me. I can't, I just can't, he hates me becurse I can get pregnant. I knew something had to go wrong, I finally had found my mate and then the witches had to mess the only thing there was good in my sad life. I ran past a few trees in my way to escape the hell, I just created. I just wish the earth would just open and swallow me whole. 

I found a place to lie down since I probably have run over 20 miles away. but just when I'm about to lie down I feel a bit of DeJaVu, this was the place he found, the place we first met. I felt a pang of sadness since I didn't know if there was a, me and Derek, left for me to return to. I down and wrapped my tail around my waist, playing with a few hairs, and getting some branches out it. 

I laid back Into the soft and slightly moist grass. I let out a sigh, the adrenalin about to lose its grip on me. I know I should hate it, but I'm happy I can get pregnant. the thought about creating life sounds appealing, especially when it could be Derek's children. But no, Derek hates me, he doesn't want me. I thought we were mates. but I guess not.

I let a small tear slide down my cheek before I trail off into the world of sleep, there always helped me getting space from my problems.

Derek's  PO.V

I ran through the forest, desperately trying to find my mate by following the sweet scent of honey and a bit of apple shampoo. 

I can't let him go, never. I made it clear to the pack that I will never let Stiles be so sad that he would want to leave. I could hear my wolf scold me for signaling to our mate that we hate him. I knew that it was true, that It was my fault, all of it. I need my mate, my Stiles. he is like drugs to me, gets me up in the clouds, makes me feel happy, he makes all my problems go away. and whenever he is gone it is like I'm in withdrawal, just that, I need this drug to live, I need Stiles or else I go crazy.

I take a couple of more turns, making the branches snap loudly under the weight from my paws. I turn by some trees where the smell is strongest. I shift into human and takes some shorts on since the transformation to wolf has the tendency to shed my clothes. I walk out on a familiar big green field. a pang of realization hits me when I see that it is the field me and Stiles first met. memories flash through my head as I remember that day, the day I found just a skinny, defenseless fox in torn clothes. but when I could feel that he was my mate I was happy, I guess I was confused too, but that not the point. the point is that from that moment I knew I wanna spend every day with that fox. that nothing will make me happy unless that fox is with me.

I walked out on the field, felling the damp and moist grass under my bare feet. as I walked out there I could hear sweet little snoring. no doubt it was Stiles. when I got to where the snoring came from I sat down beside him. I chuckled a bit since he was hugging his tail in his sleep. I felt so bad when I woke him up. when looked at me his heart rate was right away out of his chest. I slammed our lips together making his heart beat go normally. he looked at me with a puzzled and very confused look. 

" you don't hate me?" he asked leaning his head in an angle showing how confused he was. I chuckled lightly, as I pressed a kiss on his forehead, making him blush in a very dark shade of red. 

" no one and I mean no one will make me hate you, Stiles," I said in a soft yet stern tone. I could see Stiles relax as he released a breath he apparently had been holding for some time. 

" but what about the pregnant thing, you just looked so unhappy when I said it," he said, looking down into the ground trying not to show how sad he was, or the tear there was rolling down his pale cheek. I shook my head, taking his soft hand in my rough-skinned hand. 

" I wanna have babies with you Stiles, and I'm so sorry for how I acted back there, the only thing I have ever dreamed about is to build a life, and a family with my mate, " I said. he looked up fresh tears staining his cute pale face. I really got caught by surprise when he launched himself forward wrapping his arms around my neck.

" I love you, Derek," he said in an alow husky voice.

" I love you too Stiles, I love you so freaking much," I said in the same low and soft tone.

guess I got my drug back

* hey guys, hope you all enjoyed this chapter. and I hope that you all have a fantastic day. it took a bit effort to make this chapter since I am quite lazy, not gonna lie, but when I'm getting to the writing I am on fire.

Daily question: what country are you from? 

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