the other point of view

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Erica's P.O.V

I was walking on patrol with Boyd in the dark Forrest looking for the sphinx. the only sound out here there could cut through the darkness of the night was the sound of our feet hitting the moist ground beneath us. for the second my mind had started to wander off into my imagination. for time being I had been thinking about Boyd and about Derek and Stiles with their baby and all of that got me wondering, what does Boyd want?

it was a question there had lingered in the back of my mind for weeks, what does Boyd want? that question soon started to turn into what do I want? I had always taken into consideration for what he wanted but I actually never looked inside and thinking about what I want. I was so determent to make him happy that I totally ignored myself as a valid person in this relationship. 

Boyd had seemed to pick up my confusion and was now blocking my way. I came to stop and got tossed right out of my mind when his huge hands gently were placed on my shoulders, and a concerned look had planted itself on his face, I questioned the look with the same confused look I had on my own face just a few moments ago.

" your confusion blocks out all the smells in the entire Forrest, something you want to talk about?" he asked in a gentle yet kinda annoyed voice. I let out a sigh, I couldn't hide anything from him, he can always tell when I'm feeling down or is out of it, that's probably why I love, he sees through the surface, past the facade that I put up to avoid these types of situations. 

" I was just thinking, no biggie," I said smacking on a fake smile to top it off. 

he, of course, didn't believe it.

" stop with the bullshit Erica, I know that smile is as fake as plastic, just tell the truth, I can't help you unless you tell me what's really bothering you,"  he said in a stern tone there showed that he meant every word to the core of his inner being. I let out another sigh as I cuddled closer into his chest where his heartbeat started to fill my ear like an echo.

" I was thinking about Stiles and Derek and how they are getting a baby and everything, and I just thought about..." I went blank mid-sentence not knowing how to get the words up past the lump in my throat there had started to grow for every word. His look of total confusion turned into a face of amusement, which made my cheeks burn red of embarrassment. When he saw the blush, there was burning bright, on my face, he let out a laugh there could be heard all over the forest.

sweetie you don't have to be afraid to talk to me about that, and yes, of course, I want a child with you just when I know that this city is safe for a little child to run around in," he said pressing his lips lightly on mine making my whole face tickle.

" Now let's keep going I think Derek would be pissed if we didn't do anything, " he said with a smirk on his face there was close to knocking all air out of my lounges.

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