the Nagual from Mexico

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 Derek's P.O.V 

8 months later.

it is now 8 months ago since we fought Ryder and defeated him, successfully. since then it's actually been awfully quiet in Beacon Hills. the pack says I should not think too much about it so I decided to push the thought away. 

I walked down into the living room to see Scott and Isaac in their daily make-out, Stiles was in the kitchen singing along to an old Broadway song, while Erica and Lydia were painting their nails at the table. It's great how the pack have gotten closer after that vampire attack, I actually think it helped us in a kind of way, maybe its just me. 

" Hey babe what are you cooking?" I asked as I snaked my arms around his waist making him jump in surprise. I chuckled at the sight of my mate pout for a solid minute until he sighed and gave me a sweet love bite at my jawline. he did that a lot actually but it didn't bother me at all, it can just be his fox instincts there tell him that its that way foxes show love. 

" I'm making cookies and a big chocolate cake," he said with a big smile on his face. I must admit that my mate was a master chef, he was like a living cookbook, he can make anything we ask him to make with no problems. I must say I have the best mate ever, I can't wait to build a life with him. 

" are you, okay baby, you look a little paler than usual," I asked in a worried tone. he did look paler than he did for 3 weeks ago, and to be honest he was gaining weight like crazy. I know he is not sick cause supernaturals can't get sick so there is something else wrong.

" I'm sure it's nothing, I can go see Deaton if you want me to," he said in his sweet little innocent voice. 

" that will be good do that babe, you can take your jeep," I said making him jump in excitement, which resulted in him getting dizzy, which is wired since he always jumps around like a puppy with Redbull up its ass.    

Stiles' P.O.V

I was sitting in my jeep on my way to Deaton admiring how amazing my jeep is that Derek had got me, there is space in it so I can get shop a lot of things with me home, and it's the prettiest baby blue color ever. Derek said he had it custom made for me so there are only one of these cars in the whole world, I think Derek loves to brag about it but as long as it doesn't get me or him into trouble I'm good.    

I was on a road with literally no cars and a lot of trees. that is one of the greatest things ever then you don't have all kind of people on the road doing things they shouldn't do, like driving too fast or sling from side to side. 

I could feel my stomach flip making puke rise up in my throat. I quickly pulled the jeep into the side to empty my stomach out on a tree. the empty feeling in my stomach and the disgusting taste in my mouth was enough to make bile come up and get out over the poor tree'again.' when I looked up I saw a woman in her early twenties watching me. when she noticed I had seen her she transformed into a beautiful eagle and was gone in a matter of seconds. I stood there for some minutes to gather up myself after seeing a person turn into a bird. 

when I finally got myself back to the jeep I hit the gas and drove out to Deaton as fast as I could, now it wasn't just about me. it was about the mysterious new woman there could transform into an eagle.

and maybe it was about a new posible threat.

---------30 minutes later--------

I pulled my jeep into the parking lot, remembering to lock my jeep before I stormed into the clinic there were closed. 

" Stiles, how are you? what can I do for you?" he asked in that friendly tone that made me calm down a bit. I was just about to talk when bile rose up in my throat. currently, he could see it and handed me a bucket for me to spill all out in. after 5 minutes there where absolutely nothing in my stomach. the vet gave me the most worried look ever, so I have some explaining to do. 

" well I haven't been feeling good lately and Derek says that I look more pale than usual, I just need a check so I can tell about something else," I said without even catching a breath. he looked at me still confused but gave a little nod waving into the backroom. he showed me over to the examination table. 

he asked about how I have been feeling lately any changes in my routine. I could see he wrote down my answers.

1.  morning sickness  

2.mood swings  



" Stiles would mind an ultrasound scan?" he said with a mumble kinda while he looked in a big brown book there looked old and worn out. he gave a nod showing that he could proceed with what he was doing. he took out a machine and a tube with some gel in it.

" this is a bit cold Stiles, ok?" he asked as he squeezed some of the gel out on my stomach. he wasn't lying it was really cold. he moved it around for a while until the machine started making noises. 

" just as I suspected," he mumbled as he looked back at me with a smile but eyebrows knitted together into a furry line. " congratulations Stiles, your pregnant," he said in a very confused and shocked tone. 

but I was panicking. Derek said that we should wait with children. I couldn't be pregnant. I let out a sigh trying to calm down, I deal with Derek when I come home right now I need some help from Deaton with the wired eagle lady.

" well there is another thing I need to help with," I said still trying to get over the shock that I was given by the surprising pregnancy.

" Yeah?" he said in a confused and a bit tired tone since he has been working all day with the clinic. he gave me a cloth to wipe my stomach clean for the cold gel. I put my shirt on before turning back to him. 

" well on my way here I saw this lady in her twenties transform into an eagle and fly away and I wondered if you know something?" I asked him. confusion lingering in the room as he thought about the information I had given him.

he let out a loud gasp as he ran over to a shelf to find a big red/brown-ish colored book looking through the pages stopping at a page with some wired looking letters. the chapter he was on was about a 'nagual ' what is a nagual.

" a nagual," he said like he had read my thoughts, " is a mythical/supernatural creature. it is normally from Mexico but I'm surprised that there is one here in Beacon Hills. anyway, a Nagual is a person there can physically or spiritually transform into an animal. Naguals mostly transform into jaguar puma and wolves and birds," he said as he looked back at me with big eyes there screamed worry.

" what?" I asked confused looking back at him just as worried.

" well naguals can use their power for both good and evil so there is a chance we have a threat here with this woman you talk about, this should be reported Derek right the second," he said stressful voice.

I nodded quickly got up my phone to call Derek to tell him that we needed an emergency pack meeting and that Deaton was coming with me. he asked why and the only thing I said was we tell him when we get there. 

"let's go," I said when we got out to the parking lot running to my jeep to get to the pack-house as quick as possible.

why can't Beacon Hills just be a quiet and friendly town?

 let's hope It's not gonna be another one like Ryder. 

*hey guys chapter 12 complete thank you so much for the support I'm getting for the chapters but mentally too there are so many sweet comments so I just wanna thank you all and give you all a ( what I hope) is an amazing chapter.

daily question: which language do you want to learn? mine is Japanese. 

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