the new kid

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Derek's P.O.V

I woke up to something tickling my nose. I opened my eyes to see that Stiles was sitting on top of me, and is wagging his tail in my face. I chuckled a bit before taking him by the waist. and In seconds I'm on top. he is so beautiful. I give him a small kiss on his cute little nose. he gives me a look before he connects our lips, smiling as both our lips moved perfectly in sync. Stiles in the morning is always sweet, for example. when he wakes up and rubs his eyes, they look like liquid gold. when his hair is so messy that it looks like a nuclear explosion. these were the moments in the morning I enjoyed.

" you hungry?" I asked knowing it was a stupid question, Stiles is always hungry. he let out a soft laugh as he nodded. god, his laugh is like music, I don't think I can go through the day without hearing him laugh. he turned around and stumbled out of bed, result, he was laying on the floor laughing like a maniac. his laugh is so contagious, so I can't help myself when I burst into a fit of laughter. 

" come on babe your gonna get late for school," I said. he nodded, with a grin still glued onto his face. but he then with the speed of light jumped up on my back, kissing my cheek as he laughed.

" to the kitchen sourwolf," he said letting another round of laughter spill out over his perfect pink lips, that I love to kiss. I let out a heavy sigh before I decided that I can't throw him off my back, it will be the same as saying no to him which I can't do either.

" you are lucky I love you," I said in a fake angry tone.

" don't worry sourwolf, I can pay for the ride," he said kissing my cheek as he got off my back. I just stood there with a dark blush on my face. did he just offer what I just think he offered? I shook my head as I got into the kitchen watching Stiles talk to Lydia about some biology she didn't understand. he is so perfect, even if he didn't fit into the pack in the start he definitely did now. they all talked nicely to him helped him, heck they even referred to him as the pack mom. 

Stiles' P.O.V

" Bye babe," I said giving Derek a passionate kiss making the pack laugh, and people around us stare. but I didn't care Derek means a whole world to me, so why not show that the world called Derek is mine, and only mine. of course, people can talk to him I'm not that kind of boyfriend. but some people need to know they can't get their filthy hands on Derek.

" hey bro," Scott said as he up to my side with his hand locked around Isaac's waist. I gave him a big smile in return.

" can you help me with some English homework?" he asked with a smile and that big puppy eyes. 

" of course Scott meet me at lunch I help you there," I said with a big smile as I stopped at my locker to get the books I needed for my first class which is chemistry. Lydia followed with me since we had chemistry together. on our way she talked about her weekend with Jackson and how romantic it was, which I highly doubt that Jackson could make a weekend 'romantic' but Lydia seems to get the best of him. she also talked about the new Gucci purse she had bought. 

as we got into chemistry I saw this wired looking guy. he looked about 1 year older than me and was extremely pale. and he had this wired looking ring on, it was a silver bat with red rubies inside its eyes and mouth. I knew I had read about that kinda ring before but I can't remember where. I nudged a bit to Lydia who gave me a confused look and raised a perfectly shaped eyebrow. 

" don't you think there is something suspicious about that guy?" I asked her making her eyebrow go even further up. she then looked at the guy and shrugged her shoulder like she was judging his type of fashion or how hot he looked. I know for me the only guy who looks hot, is Derek.

" he looks a bit emo but other than that he looks as pale as you Stiles, which is normal when you don't tan in the seasons," she said in a kinda joking tone, still my suspicion didn't go away.

" dear class," Mr. Harris said, making everyone turn their head to the board. " today we have a new kid joining our school. his name is Ryder and I want you all to be at least a tad a bit human to him," he said looking at my ears. I shrunk down my seat in a kind of defensive way. all the people in the school thought it was fake ears and a fake tail I had on which was great, but, Mr. Harris always looked down on me saying it was childish. 

after a pop quiz, ( that I nailed) I walked to the cafeteria to help Scott. after explaining the basics to him I told him about the kid and his ring, how I remembered reading about it but I don't remember what it said about it. He looked at me with furrowed eyebrows.

" he just sounds like another emo to me," giving a shrug just like Lydia had done. I turned around to eat my curly fries when I saw that Ryder guy walks past our table. he smelled like chalk and copper. I decide that if they don't want to investigate then I will. so I walked after him.

I tried to be as gentle as I could, not to get his attention, as We walked down the hallway. we got to the part of the school where the principal is. I saw him walk into the principal's office and I could hear that he was being welcomed to the school. I was lucky that there was no one in this area since they didn't wanna be spotted if they were doing something wrong. I was on my knees looking into the office through the window in the door.

I could hear that they were talking about Ryders movement to the school. I saw that the principal was about to get some documents when I saw it. Ryder's facial features starting to change. his eyes were glowing a dark shade of red, darker than Derek's that much I know. his cheekbones were rising up to a point there made him look inhuman, and he had grown a set of flashing white fangs. I knew what Ryder is, I probably knew it from the start but ignored the signs. Ryder is a vampire, and he is trying to kill the principal. 

I acted quickly running into the Principal's office, faking a panic attack, ( did I forget to mention I can fake a panic attack? never mind that) looking at him with a horrific face. 

" Sir, I. Can't. breath." I said in between pants to make it sound real. I could see the color from his face drain as he rushed over to me and took me by the shoulders. 

" ok just take it easy I will get you to the school nurse. Sorry, Ryder, this have to wait to tomorrow," he said as he quickly got me to the school nurse. mission complete.

when Derek drove me home I looked at him with a serious look there signaled we needed to talk. he looked at me with his eyebrows knitted into a bushy line. 

" What's wrong babe, did someone hurt you, have I done something wrong?" he rambled. I shook my head as I planted a kiss on his cheek.

" you have done nothing, It's a new kid in school,"

" aaaaand?" he said not getting my hint, I let out a sigh.

" he is a vampire," I said with a shaky voice 

" oh crap," Derek said with a defeated voice

* hey guys hope you are enjoying this as much as I do, anyway sorry if I upload so... random but it's hard with all my school work and my mental health. so I hope that you don't judge me. but anyways thank you all for reading this it makes me so so happy.

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