A peasant's death

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Derek's P.O.V

I got thrown into a tree, again. Trying to get up again I saw Scott get tossed across the field. Ryder had become stronger and tattoos were glowing up and down his arm in a purple shade. The energy that was radiating from Ryder was unbelievable. Deaton was right he was no ordinary vampire. I just hope Stiles can get the knife from Ryder's house. Still, I'm worried about him, he is my mate and if I don't do that I will fail as his mate.

I get up from the ground and throw myself forward towards him, punching him hard in the face. That results in a broken hand and a dislocated jaw. He is too strong for me.

Purple smoke was rising from his body and a devilish smile has crept up on his already satanic face. His eyes were glowing a deep and dark purple with anger and satisfaction. His dark purple has locked on me, and the smile on his face becomes even colder.

" it seems you only had the energy for the beginning of this battle. How sad, well whatever, I still get the satisfaction of killing you and your pathetic pack. But I save you for last, to make you hear them beg, to make you hear them scream for you to help them."

I growled and I could feel the alpha inside me rise like a phoenix from the ashes. I could feel my bones shift and turn. I was in the same form Peter had used for about two years ago. Peter is my psychotic uncle there went on a rampage two years ago to seek revenge over the people who burned our family to death. I didn't feel good about killing him, he was family after all. But he was no longer my uncle, and I had to kill him for the safety of the people in Beacon Hills. That was how I became the alpha of this town.

" you aren't killing anyone, course I make sure that you're back in hell at that time. And you won't dare to touch my pack you bloodsucking bastard."

I felt the last bones shift in my body before I let out a ground-shaking roar. I could detect fear in the vampire's eyes, and I could feel the eyes of my pack lock on me. I could feel the power that this alpha form contains. The power if it travels through my blood and gives power to my punches that im merciless throwing in the vampire's face. 

Stiles' P.O.V

I could hear the screams and roars out from the battlefield, it was terrifying to hear. I can hear that Derek has transformed or something, cause about 30 minutes ago, I won't admit it to him, but he gave me the biggest boner. I could hear the groans from Ryder that I could hear was being slammed in the face with Derek's fists. 

I would like to get out of this creepy house right on the second, but no apparently there is a lock mechanism in this freaks house, soooooo guess who is stuck in a real version of a haunted house. 

I look at the knife there is in my hand. there were inscriptions in the knife in a language I don't understand, there is a big red ruby placed between the blade and the handle, out of the ruby was two big bat wings in pure silver. out of the bottom of the knife there where two horns spiking out, this knife actually looks cool but also freaks the shit out of me. 

I let out a defeated sigh as I slid down against the cold stone wall. I don't want all this vampire shit in this town anymore, I just want a simple Normal life ( well as normal as a supernatural life can be) together with Derek. I could hear it was turning outside again, I could hear that Ryder was growling and Derek hissing in pain. 

I wish I could save him.

Derek's P.O.V 

it was good at the start of this fight, well until Ryder, of course, had to pull out some of his  'hidden powers' and take the lead again. I could see Lydia, Scott, and Isaac laying on the ground while Jackson was trying to get down from a tree, I must admit, I had mixed feelings by the sight jackson getting hurled right into the tree, a part of me wanted to laugh my ass of so hard, the other wanted me to check and see if my beta was alright. 

I tried to hit one more punch in the vampire's stomach but was met by a kick in my own. I let out a painful groan that I knew Stiles could hear. oh, I wish he would come with that knife so we could kill this monster already, cause, to be honest, getting hit and kicked in the stomach was getting extremely annoying. 

I could hear nails inside the house, scrape against stone, like an animal trapped inside a cave. I knew it was Stiles. Over the past few months, we have learned so much more about him that he hates small spaces, and that he easily gets triggered into a panic attack. for example, last Month when Isaac didn't get home after midnight and hadn't told anyone that he was staying at Scott 's, Stiles freaked out that he actually passed out becurse he couldn't breathe, we had to call Isaac and tell him to come over and tell Stiles where he was. plus Stiles tells me he really hates being alone, that he feels neglected, abandon. That's why that if I'm not with him at least one pack member has to be with him.

becurse of Stiles I can't afford to lose this fight.

Deaton P.O.V

I could see this was going the wrong way as I saw Jackson getting thrown into a tree near the spot I stayed. Stiles should have been out by now, the thought of the rarest fox sitting scared and alone inside the scary house made me take my special grenade with me as I with discretion sneaked inside the first vampire home I have been in. I walked slowly taking notes on how the home of a vampire is since there isn't much information on vampires. 

as I walked down a hallway I could hear nails scrape against a stone or concrate like thing. I knew by the second that it was Stiles so I rushed to where the sound was coming from With a heart beating ten times faster than it should. 

as I stopped in front of the door the scraping came from I pulled out my special grenade. this grenade was made from various plants and poisons but was filled with a serum so it can destroy everything but living things. I pulled out the small hook from it and exploded the door open like it was paper.

on the floor, I saw Stiles sitting shaking on the floor with a beautiful knife beside him. he looked me in the eyes as he quickly got up on his feet and rushed out the house too probably get to Derek. I was right behind him as we ran down the stairs and outside where we could see a shirtless vampire with glowing purple tattoos and pale muscles flexing, this was definitely terrifying. 

" DEREK!!!!!!" Stiles yelled as Derek had got back on his feet, he threw the knife over to Derek who caught it in mid-air and sliced Ryder's chest open. the vampire screamed out in pain as a wired black substance poured out of the vampire prince. 

" H-how did you g-g-get that!!??" the vampire stuttered as more (blood I assume) poured out of his chest once more. Derek's eyes get even redder as I thought it was Impossible.

" your first mistake was to threaten my pack including my mate, your second mistake was the thought that you could get away with it," Derek said as he drilled the knife into the vampire's chest.

at that moment the prince of vampires was dead.

Stiles' P.O.V

when Derek got up on both his feet his wounds healing as he got up. I ran over to him, without caring that he was completely naked and covered in vampire blood. I jumped as high as I could and launched myself in his arms bawling my eyes out, grateful that my mate was alive. 

I could feel his arms snake around my waist pulling me closer into him. I dug my nails into his skin forgetting the time or place we were. without hesitation, I kissed him as passionately as I could muster, putting all my love into one kiss.

" I was so scared," I breathed out in a whisper in his chest. I could feel his hand plant itself in my hair. and it was true, that was the most scared I had been in my life that my Derek wouldn't get out alive. 

" shhhhh don't worry I'm here baby, it's over, this battle is finally over. now let's go home," he said in a low husky voice that made that safe feeling sent shivers down my spine.

and we did go home with that feeling resting in the pit of my stomach.

* hey guys here is what I call a super long chapter. sorry if this chapter is a bit late but I have had some problems with mental health plus I have so many doctors appointments since I may need surgery, but when I have you guys and you all still show love to my fanfictions and these chapters there is nothing there can stop me. 

daily question: do you want a  sequel to this story?

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