the most powerful fox

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Derek's P.O.V

I walked down the stairs after finding the drawing Stiles has left me, and I can see that everybody is getting ready. Issac was the first of all the others to be done, of course. I could smell he was nervous and scared, we all are, but all I want to think about now is getting my mate back from those nasty witches. my train of thoughts was interrupted by Isaac poking my shoulder. I raised an eyebrow, as I could smell how scared he is. I could hear took a deep breath, trying to calm his heartbeat down, there was beating like a race car. 

" uh Derek C-Can we talk, it's about Stiles," when I heard that it was my hearts turn to be a race car. I looked at Issac giving a nod. 'what's wrong with Stiles is he back? no, I would have smelled him.' Issac had pulled into a corner. I could see the sweat, travel down his face, and how he always rubs his thumb up and down his pinkie when he is nervous. 

" whats wrong Isaac, what is it about Stiles?" I was so scared. what is wrong with Stiles. I can't take this, not knowing what's wrong with my own mate, it kills me slowly from the inside. I fell like I'm about to explode, without my mate I feel like I can't control my emotions, that I can't control my wolf, or myself.

" Well earlier today when you were out, Stiles and I were talking, nothing much there. but when Jackson showed up and joked about you being a big puppy, Stiles..... turned."                     

" turned what do you mean by that, how did he turn?" I am beyond confused right now. I don't know where my mate is, I only know that he is kidnapped by some mentally damaged voodoo girls, there can turn into birds. and now I hear he can 'turn' what does that even mean?

" well he got angry, ok he got furious, his eyes changed and he grew whiskers and a snout. and when he got up and walked up to Jackson he had this, this big orange/red aura around him.and he punched Jackson into that wall," he said pointing at a wall there was totally cracked. my mate can do that? but it doesn't mean that he is not in possible danger.   

" I did not see that coming, but thanks for telling me, Isaac," I said giving him a hug. I couldn't imagine what I would do without Issac, he can be one of the most clever ones of all of my betas. now we are gonna go and save my mate, to save my Stiles.

" hold on Stiles I'm on my way," 

Stiles P.O.V

it's wired I remember being in Issac's room, and now I wake up in a cold and disgusting cell, like one of those cells they keep bad guys as I have seen on tv and stuff with Issac. I miss Derek and Isaac, I miss Derek the most, I want to be with him, I want to be in his big warm arms instead of here in this cold cell. I want to be back at the pack-house, to be with Derek and the pack even tho they don't like me. I can hear a big and old door be opened, and I can smell a rotten scent of dying old fish. out of the door, five old and ugly women in black and torn cloaks.

" well well, it seems that someone has woken up," one of the really ugly women say. she smells like someone has puked all over her, she is really small and has a big lump on her pack, there jiggles when she talks. I can fell myself frown becurse, damn that woman's teeth are rotten as hell, but that must belong with the witch status. I don't answer, I just want to go home. 

" well someone is a bit quiet I see, don't worry we won't hurt you," she says with a deep cunning voice. I can hear that she is lying, I could hear it in her heartbeat. 

" your lying," I knew I shouldn't say it out loud but I hate when people lie, I can't stay when people are lying, and I hate it when people lie to me, It's a sign of disrespect. I can see her face turn into a frown as she walked over to me.

" what you say," 

" you're lying, I can hear it in your heartbeat, it skips when your lying," I could hear her heartbeat go crazy and anger lingered in the air. before her eyes were black but now they are in a shining purple, she is definitely a witch.

" you are a smart boy aren't you but do you wanna know something you don't know about, let's say your race," I could feel my blood freeze in my veins. I have never seen other people with a tail or ears like mine, or smell like me, but she can't know anything about me.

"you know nothing about me or what you call my race," I say in an angry tone I can feel there are flames in my blood and it waits to release. 

" yes I do, and if that with that what you say about heartbeats is true then you can hear I'm not lying, "I listen closely after and she was right, she tells the truth. instead of flames, I feel the fear creep in again. 

" I know for example that you are one of the rarest and most powerful foxes there lives in this world," she said with a creepy purple spark in her eyes. 

" oh and there is one more thing, you have the ability to reproduce," I could feel my heart in my chest skip at least 40 beats. what the hell, I can get pregnant, should I tell Derek? my thoughts were interrupted with a loud crash, literally, Scott was there on the floor looking like he had banged his shoulder on a steel wall. but what caught my eyes was Derek. 

" DEREK!" I yelled gaining his attention, he turned on his heels and ran over to me, I could feel the happiness swell in my chest. Just as I had gotten my Derek back he is sent flying with a purple flash and landing on the floor with a loud thud. I saw that the head-witch had her eyes glowing purple like before. 

" STAY AWAY YOU MUTT!" she shouted her voice in anger. I could feel the fire back in my blood, now setting in my bones. I could feel myself changing like I did when I hit Jackson in the stomach. I could feel my nails turn into claws, and fangs poking through my gums. I let out a growl that sounded so animalistic that it caught the witch's attention. I walked over to the cell bars there bend, without me even touching them. I could feel the fear leak from the witches, there made me growl again making them cringe. 

" you can hurt me all you want, but you stay away from my Derek, now go to hell with you all," I said calmly which made It sound even scarier. the fear I could smell fueled my anger. without hesitation, I ripped all of their heads of at the same time. I turned around to see a wide-eyed Derek. I could feel the fantastic energy leave me empty and tired. I could hear my name be called before everything went black.

" I wanna go home," I let out with the last energy I had in my body. 

* hey guys hope you all had a great new year, I definitely had but I hope you all enjoyed this chapter 

now the daily question: what's your eye color?

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