prince of vampires

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Derek's P.O.V

I woke up with pain my stomach instantly jolting through my body like lightning. I noticed that I wasn't in the pack-house anymore but at Deaton's clinic. I looked around seeing a sleeping Stiles by my bed. I could see he had been up for a long time becurse he has dark bags under his eyes, and he looks a bit paler. I smiled at the thought of how loyal my mate is so I moved a bit so I could kiss him on the nose. he instantly woke up, looking at me checking every part of my body to make sure there was nothing there was hurting. he let out a relieved sigh out as he climbed up into my bed curling up to my left side, letting his tail curled around my waist. 

I could hear small sobs from him, and I could feel my shirt getting a bit wet by the tears that he shed.

" I was so scared, and worried," he said with a shaky voice as he kissed my hand over and over. I gently let my index finger slide by his jawline to his chin, making him look at me with big brown watery eyes there screamed fear and concern.

" don't worry babe. he won't get away with this. now, where are the others?" I asked, seeing new tears run down his cheeks. I quickly wiped them away with my thumb, seeing the before so pale skin go red and puffy. 

" they are in Lydia's room. S-She got H-Hurt P-Pretty B-Bad, she has a scar and it won't heal. even when Deaton uses ancient plants and medicine. it won't heal Der," he said in a full out cry pressing his head into my neck crying hysterically. I wrapped my arms protectively around his back lifting him up on my chest holding him tight in my grasp. 

I could hear and feel him relax in my arms about a few minutes later. I took his hand squeezing it a bit harder than usual making him know I'm fine. he looked at me with a sad smile as we walked into the room Lydia was In. as we walked in the smell of chemicals and medicine, and a faint smell of blood. I could feel the concern still lingering in the air as the pack stood there surrounding Lydia's bed. I could see four big, red dots on her neck that had swollen up a bit. she looked at me with a sad smile there had lost all its happiness, It made me really sad to see one of my pack members should end up getting hurt becurse of me.

Stiles looked at me obviously sensing my guilt and gave me a hard, stern look that I have never seen him with before.

" this is not your fault. It's Ryder's.  plus we have talked to Deaton about how to kill him, there is just one problem," he said with a small but strong voice. I looked at him with a confused look and I could feel my eyebrows knit together.

" the only thing there can kill him, which is a special dagger, is in his house. so we need to fight him to get him out of his house so I can get the knife," he said with regret in his voice. it sounds like he doesn't like the plan, and to be honest I don't either. I don't want it to be Stiles who get the dagger but we can't send anyone else in for it. 

" ok, when do we do it?" I asked. they all looked surprised that I agreed to the plan, but we don't have another choice now do we. the only way is to get that dagger from Ryder and kill him so he doesn't murder an innocent person. 

" there is one more thing Derek," Deaton said from the side where he was checking Lydia. I raised a brow in confusion.

" what, is there more we don't know about?" I asked with confusion all over the place. the whole pack just looked into the floor like it was trying to eat them or was the most interesting thing in the world right now. 

" Ryder is no ordinary vampire. he is the leader, but he is called prince of vampires. so you all better be careful," Deaton says with the sternest voice I've ever heard him use. I turned to look at Stiles to see the fear in his eyes even though he tried to look ready and strong. I took him into a kiss making him whimper a bit before he began to kiss back. 

" you're gonna do good babe, I believe in you," 

he nodded With some tears forming in his eyes making this so hard for me to do. I know he is not scared for his own safety but for mine, just as much pain I would be in if he died, I couldn't see how much pain he would be in. 

" just be careful, please,"

 4 hours later Stiles P.O.V

we. are all outside his house, and god It looks like those from TV. big towers and rotten doors and statues of people in pain and despair. I looked at Derek knowing he might die in this fight. He looks back at me with the same look in the eyes, but there is a small spark of hope that I chose to focus on. we have learned that vampires can not Detect me becurse I'm A fox and I can hide my scent if I want to. I kissed Derek goodbye as I ran to my hiding place as the doors to Ryders ( castle?) opens. 

" ahh, Hale I didn't expect you facing your death this early. I see you didn't bring your precious fox, what a shame I would have loved to kill him right in front of you and see you face as I rip his heart out. Guess I have to give him the punishment of not being here to see your death, for you begging his name, begging for mercy," he finished with a cold satisfied laugh. 

I could hear Derek let out a loud and terrifying roar as he transformed into his beta form since he can't use the knife if he is in his wolf form. I could see the burning furry in his eyes, like a the comment Ryder just threw at him has ignited a fire in him. I smirked thinking how screwed Ryder is now.

" go get him Derek" I whispered so he was the only one there could hear it. he nodded as he launched himself at the vampire prince. when I was hundred percent sure Ryder was busy not getting his head bitten off by Derek, I made my way into his house searching for the knife. his house smells like dead thing and chalk. I walked through another corridor seeing a big painting of a very disgusting man. when I saw the name tag it showed me it was Ryder's father. 

I made it to another corridor with a lot of doors. I took a careful step forward, just to be careful. but out of the door at the bottom of the hallway, three dogs with purple eyes ran towards me with razor-sharp teeth.  that's when I felt it again, well only in my hands. I saw an orange fire dancing in the palm of my hands. the fire got even greater and bigger when I clenched my fists, I smirked at the dogs there now only looked like puppies. with only to swings of my fists they were on the floor dead. I let out a sigh before searching for the knife. 

I got to a door there had some wired symbols on it, I turned the nob, locked of course. I felt the feeling again in my foot, an in one kick the door was on the floor.

I walked into the room searching every Conor, every drawer. even in his coffin, wow this was just cliché, a coffin. I turned to see a closet with a Big symbol on it.

 I turned to see a closet with a Big symbol on it

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I broke down the door to see a big rock wall, and in it was the knife, Ryder's death. I walked over and touched and it glowed purple before sliding out the wall.

goodbye, Ryder.

* hey guys hope you all enjoyed it, sorry if it is a bit boring or rushed I'm really trying to make it good, but I hope you enjoyed it despite that it probably sucks. 

daily question: when I make Stiles pregnant should it be a boy or a girl. or both?

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