past wounds and sand

887 28 6

Derek's P.O.V

we are all at the pack-house, except for Isaac there is a bit late, waiting for Stiles and Deaton to come here. I'm really nervous about what is wrong because the main reason Stiles had gone out to Deaton was to get checked if he was sick or dying, so I'm starting to lose my mind going round and round in circles trying to guess what is that bad that the vet has to show up to an emergency pack meeting.

I can hear Stiles' jeep pull up to the house, and quick footsteps there is running as fast they can, to get up to the door Stiles practically kicks open with sweat on his forehead, and green color in the face. he was about to open his mouth when he closed it again to run up to the bathroom. I could hear him throw up violently. I got up from my seat and ran with the speed of light up to the bathroom where my mate was emptying his stomach in the toilet. 

I can hear him sob when there is not coming anymore out of his stomach. I sit beside him looking at him worried what has gotten him this sick. 

" babe, what's wrong, have you eaten something bad?" I asked, hearing the worry laced in my voice. with a bit of force, he dragged my hand down and placed it on his stomach looking me dead in the eye. it was so quiet that I actually heard the third heartbeat. tears dropped from his eyes as he once again broke out into sobs and tears. I pulled him into a tight embrace, but yet again not to tight so that it could hurt him. 

he looked up at me with red puffy eyes and looked like he was seconds away from breaking completely. I hate to see him like this, all sad, broken like he is alone and no one loves him and that he has to do everything by himself without help as he thinks help is a sign of weakness. I wipe away the tears and give him a kiss on his nose which makes him smile a little.

"you're not mad?" he asks with his voice trembling in fear. I chuckle as I shake my head giving him another kiss on his cute little button up nose. 

" nothing you will do can make me mad, I just wanted to wait with children till you were ready, are you ready?" I ask seeing his eye light up with stars and small firework.

" I'm ready, I want your children Derek," he says snuggling into my chest making a relaxed sound as I pick him up so we can get to the meeting. cause something tells me he didn't call for an emergency pack meeting to tell me he was pregnant. I gently placed him down in my lap where he quickly got comfortable. 

"now what is the main reason for the meeting cause I can assume its something bad that much I can feel," I said looking at Deaton as I could feel Stiles snuggle deeper into my chest making a whimper, I frowned at the noise, something tells me he is scared of this bad thing. 

" there is a new supernatural here in town, it's called a nagual, they can basically either transform to an animal spiritually or physically transform to certain animals they mostly look human," the vet said looking at Stiles who snuggled deeper into me making the frown I could feel on my face deeper. 

" did you meet this person?" I asked only getting a nod and a wet shirt as an answer. I put my finger under his chin making him look at me. I gave him a deep passionate kiss, pouring all my love and my feeling for him in it. he quickly relaxed.

" we have to be careful, we don't know what she wants yet. naguals don't travel from Mexico to Beacon Hills for a road trip, she wants something. The most naguals I have meeten is sweet but they can mostly be out for revenge that's the only time I have experienced them violent," 

when we are done with the meeting we watch the tv seeing the first thing we see is ( of course) a murder in Beacon Hills. that woman is out for something.  I'm about to switch the channel when I hear a loud crash outside there gains everybody's attention. we all share confused looks as we go outside to see Isaac in wolf form in a heated with a full out the wolf, but it smells different than a werewolf. Scott reacts In the worst way possible.

" GET AWAY FROM MY BOYFRIEND YOU BITCH!!!" he roars as he transforms too. he gets a few punches in before he gets sent into a nearby tree. Isaac rushes over to check up on Scott. in the meantime the wolf transformed into a woman with sky blue eyes, tanned skin and dark hair. she was pretty but not near as beautiful as Stiles. she looked at me flashing her eyes a dark red, she must be an alpha, guess the red eyes are common for an alpha regardless of race. I flashed my eyes at her as I felt Stiles press his body up to me.

"Who are you, and what do you want?" I asked not showing any emotion towards this woman. Her look could stare daggers into a person, but it didn't work on me, her glares has no effect on me.

" I'm June, the alpha and the last surviving member if the nagual pack from Mexico. The pack Peter Hale so merciless killed, " she said with venom laced into her voice.

" Peter, my uncle??" I said in surprise.  God, I hate when I hate to deal with the people Peter has pissed off. He is dead, again and that's the most important, but I guess this girl doesn't know about Peters death.

" yes. It was just a normal day, we had just taken out some witches there were out for some people for sacrifice. Then he came. He wanted some of our powers, he had some witches with him so he could get our powers. But my mum, the alpha of my once so glorious pack stepped up and refused they attacked. Our powers are sacred so asking for them is out of line. We Killed the witches which made him mad, he slaughtered our pack one by one till only me was left. He looked at me with a pitiful gleam and said that I wasn't even worth killing. So where is he the murder of my pack, I want justice, I want him to experience the same pain that my pack did. I want him to suffer," she said with tears forming in her eyes there was glowing red. 

I could feel all the painful loss she was outbursting with and I can truly understand her, the sad part is, I can't give her what she wants.

" I'm sorry that my uncle has done such horrible things to you, but I can't give you the satisfaction of killing him since he is already sitting in hell and burning up," I said making her look at me with glossy and empty eyes there were screaming in sadness. she fell to her knees, tears streaming down her face. 

" how did he die?" she asked after some moments of silence. I could hear the relief in her voice but also disbelief like she can't believe he is gone. But he is, we checked, multiple times, you know to on the safe side.

" the hunters we work together with her in town send some of their British hunters out to kill him becurse he was a possible threat to both human and other creatures. he died from a wolfbane laced arrow in his apartment, I can say he died a slow and painful death," I could feel that Stiles was getting tired but Stiles being Stiles he never say it. so I take him up in my arms making him whine a bit before he went to sleep right in my arms, outside. 

" we can tell you the rest of the story inside, right now my top priority is to get my mate to bed. you can stay if you want," I said earning a small nod from her as we all walked inside.

I lay Stiles in our bed smiling as I hear at the two heartbeats filling the room, playing like music.

I can't wait to be a dad.

*hey guys chapter 13 done, pheeeew it was hard to write but here it is and sorry if it seems a sucky but I hope you guys enjoy it anyway. there will be some changes since my computers B button is fucking so if some words ate missing the letter that's why. and I'm having some doctors appointments so, therefore, I may not update that often. anyways I hope you all will have a wonderful day.

daily question: favorite candy? mine is nerds.

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