secret or truth

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Derek's P.O.V

just as I got up from the floor, still feeling a bit sore, I saw my Mate with claws out and the orange aura Isaac had told me about was flaring around his small and skinny body. deep in his eyes, I could see a burning furry. besides the anger, they were glowing in a beautiful orange/red color and his beautiful little, upward bend nose has turned into a black, glossy snout. once I could see that his transformation was done he started to walk to the bars. he didn't even have to touch them to bend the bars. he walked over to the witches slowly, but with grace, I've never seen before. normally Stiles is a bit clumsy, so seeing him move so, Elegant is a rare thing to see. he is now standing in front of the five shaking witches, there was leaking with fear all around the place. a loud snarl escaped his lips and made the witches cringe even harder. I have never seen Stiles this angry, even when Issac described his and Jackson's fight he didn't sound this mad, becurse right now he is furious. Stiles is right in front of the witches, looking at them with his beautiful glowing eyes.

" you can hurt me all you want, but stay away from my Derek, now go to hell with you all," he said in a low, and calm voice making it sound even more terrifying. I could smell how his anger was building and rage, his voice and his movements, he looked and sounded like a different person. he lifted his hand, revealing a pair of sharp claws ready to tear the witches into shreds. he made a quick movement and one by one the witches had lost their heads, laying on the floor bleeding with some black stuff. 

just like Issac had told me, the aura faded just as quick as it had come, and Stiles was once again himself. Stiles looked over at me with a wired, tired expression, like he was going to faint or something. his snout was back to the cute upward bend nose, and the whiskers have turned back and all there was left is his cute and slightly red cheeks. he looked at me with a pair of dull looking, whiskey brown eyes there made my wolf howl in worry. he kept looking at me, as a whisper left his mouth.

" I wanna go home," he said with a tiny, weak voice that I barely heard. I could see he was beginning to wobble, and start to fall to the floor. I quickly got over to him just in time to spear him from the fall. I could feel his head was warm, and the smell of sweat was obvious on him. even after seeing him go full power on the witches he still looks innocent when he sleeps. I could hear the pack fighting the wolves the witches apparently has recruited to protect their hideout. I walk out with Stiles in my arms, carefully not to hurt him or anything. 

when I got there the pack had already slid all the werewolves throats. except one. I looked at Scott with a furious expression on my face. he cringed but motioned a boy around 13-14 years old there was shaking, and fear splattered across his face. I let out a sigh, before giving a nod that this boy can come with us. I could feel Stiles stir, so I gave a light kiss on his forehead, whispering sweet comments, like how much I love him, and how important he is. 

Stiles' P.O.V 

I woke with a pounding head, hurting like hell has chosen to hit me in the head. but it was melting away when I felt two pairs of strong, and firm arms, tighten around my waist. I turned around to see that I was in the bed with Derek. I couldn't remember that much, and when I tried it hurt. the only thing I remember is what the witches told me and that Derek flew into a wall, and then it all just goes black. I knew Derek was awake, I could hear on his heartbeat. I pressed my lips at his rough but firm lips, to show him he didn't have to 'sleep' anymore. and just like in sleeping beauty, he woke up with a smile on his face. I tried to give back a smile too but ended up breaking apart.

" Stiles whats wrong, Did they do something to you!" he said with anger in his voice. I shook my head as made a few sniffles. I could see that Derek was obviously confused, so I decided to tell him to gather the pack in the living room, and I will be down in 10 minutes. I could smell that there was another person in the room, they have probably saved one of the young wolves that the witches had brainwashed. I could see that Lydia was sitting beside Jackson as always, of course, Erica had placed herself in Boyd's lap with her arm around his shoulder, but the unusual thing that I saw was that Issac was leaning up against Scott, who had his arm wrapped around, Isaac's waist. finally, the figured it out, I was wondering when Scisaac will happen or if it ever would. I saw a boy, sitting beside Scott. he looked like he was a teenager, I'm not good at guessing ages. I didn't wanna be rude or cold, so I walked over to him.

" hi, my name is Stiles, who may you be?" I said in my pack mom voice. I could see that he was a bit scared since he had been apart of the wolf squad who was brainwashed by the witches. I gave him a smile making sure that he would feel comfortable around me since I am kinda pack-mom. he smiles at me, nodding. 

" I'm Louis," he says in a light voice. I smile again before turning back my attention to the pack who looked extremely curious, not gonna lie. I motioned to Derek to stand beside me. as he did I took his hand, I'm gonna need my anchor to get through this. I took a deep breath to calm down my nerves, as I could feel everybody's eyes at me. 

" so when I was kidnapped the witches told me something, they told me that I'm one of the most powerful foxes in the world," I said, shifting from one foot to the other. I could feel Derek planting a soft kiss on my cheek. I looked at him, to find a smile on his face.

" Stiles, we kinda already knew that sorry babe," he said with true sorrow in his voice. I kissed his lips to let him know he hasn't hurt me or anything. I then looked back at the pack who nodded in agreement. they still don't know about the other thing the witches told me. And the thought of saying it out loud was almost giving me a panic attack. but I can't hide it, I know that Derek and I gonna have a future together so I have to be honest with him. 

" that's not the only thing they told me," I said earning a crowd of confused wolves, I could see that Derek was furrowing his eyebrows in confusion, with a puzzled look on his sweet handsome face. I once again took a deep breath to calm myself down as I looked into my mates eyes, to look the love of my life in the eyes and say. 

" I can get pregnant," 

* hey guys, didn't see that coming did yah. but yeah hope you enjoyed this chapter and that you enjoy this fanfic so far, and all I will like to say is that you guys make me so happy by reading this fic, and I just wanna say that all of you guys are so so awesome and that you guys mean the world to me.

and the daily question is: do you have a pet?

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