one back one missing

700 20 6

Derek's P.O.V

I carried my pregnant mate out to the car, still feeling the happiness of the twins warm up my heart that I once thought I had lost in the house fire. Stiles was asleep since every time he gets a check up on the cups he gets drained for energy, I don't blame him, being this happy takes a lot of my energy too. 

I carefully sat him down, with all my power not to wake him up, cause I know he can get really angry when his nap gets interrupted, especially now that he is pregnant. we sat in the car with the sleeping Stiles on the front seat and Boyd sitting in the backseat. I was just about to drive when Liam knocked on my window, I rolled it down knowing Liam had some questions he had the right to get answered.

" Can I chime in here too?" he asked looking at the backseat that had room enough for Liam to join in. 

" yeah sure," I said as he opened the door and got into the car. I began to drive hearing the stones grind under the wheels as we are speeding away from Deaton's since it was getting darker by every minute outside and I wanna get Stiles home before it really becomes dark out there where the threat of the Sphinx lurks. 

" looks like there is a lot there has changed since I left," he said nodding at Stiles' direction. I smiled thinking about how much time there has gone by since I met Stiles, It seems that the time has just flown by like a leaf with a breeze of the wind. but It still seamed that it was just yesterday that I helped the skinny and defenseless fox in with the torn red hoodie.

" so it's really true that you two are..... mates?" he asked. I could detect by the tone of his voice that he thought it was a risky topic to bring up on the table, I simply smiled and replied with a nod. 

" that must have been nice to find the person that means the world to you," he said in a dreadful voice there was laced with a great deal of sadness. I looked at the suddenly sad expression on his face there before had been thrilled with joy.

" don't worry Liam you will find your mate don't doubt that one second, but let them come to you don't force it or else it will get really hard to find your mate." 

" yeah you're right thanks, Derek, anyways what is it about that new threat here in town, I have only got a little information that it is an ancient Egyptic creature," he asked looking at me like I had answers to this problem, I don't even know how the hell we are gonna kill this thing. 

" We have been informed about it from Scott and Isaac that down in Mexico that there has been a Sphinx there were headed to Beacon Hills and now it's here and I have no idea how to kill it or how I even can keep Stiles and the babies safe," I said feeling my heart go up in speed just like the car. this is what has come to, I don't know how to keep my mate safe from the horrors of the world, does this mean that I truly have failed as Stiles' mate? I didn't get to think that thought through when a small familiar hand touched mine, I looked over and saw that Stiles was holding my hand giving it a tight squeeze and in his eyes love shone as bright never before.

" we will get through this Derek, I believe in you to make the right decisions for the pack and for the babies, I know you won't go down without a fight so you have nothing to prove to me but you have to prove to yourself that you can do this If your heart is not in it then we will lose. now drive, I wanna go home, I really need some pickles," he said in rubbing his stomach.

I let out a throated chuckle driving the way home where the fridge was overflown pickles, I know when Stiles has been out of the home, pickles were his go-to food. I heard the familiar sound of my ringtone, I look at Stiles who already has fished it out of my pocket showing that it's Deaton that want's to face time. I give a nod and Stiles answer it. 

" Derek you there?" I could see it was both Deaton and June, I was a bit confused but answered. 

" We have a strong suspicion that the Sphinx is not alone, we have picked up some demonic traces which points to our theory that there is a demon helping the Sphinx with these kills." 

I looked at Stiles whos eyes had shot wide open looking at me with pure fear in them, I took his hand giving it a little squeeze, feeling how tense he was. I could feel Boyd and Liam stare at me waiting for my reply to the newfound theory. I looked back at my phone there was hanging from a phone holder that Stiles had bought me a few months ago.

" we will be on the lookout, call me when you know more," I said ending the call driving as fast as I could well aware that I was going way over the speed limit. but there in the dark, I could see what looked like a little girl in a ripped white dress, holding what looks like her thumb out. I put my hands on Stiles' shoulder as I hit the breaks at once which made Liam and Boyd hit their heads into the front seats.

" Ouch, dude what the hell," Liam complained rubbing his forehead there was beginning to form a bump.

" don't complain you are a werewolf, you'll heal, " I said earning a glare from the young Beta. The little girl came closer revealing more features such as midnight black hair and ice blue pale skin. out of nowhere, the girl looked up with shiny white teeth there had formed a psychotic smile and two piercing yellow eyes, and wings popping out of her back. a piercing scream that made all of the windows shatter. behind her landed the monster we have been searching for months, the Sphinx. 

I ripped my seatbelt off and launched myself at the little demon girl with claws and fangs ready to kill. the girl flew up into the air giggling as she saw down upon me with her yellow eyes slicing through the night. I looked forward to see that the Sphinx was launching an attack right at the car where my pregnant mate struggled to undo his seatbelt.

I ran in front of the monster clawed its stomach and flipped it over the car where a crashing thud came from. that at once caught the girls attention as she flew over to the wounded sphinx analyzing its wounds. I ran over where my pregnant mate still was trying to undo the seatbelt. with a claw, I cut through the seatbelt holding the love of my life captured in the car that has now turned into a death trap with glass everywhere. with care and ease, I carried my mate over to the others feeling his tears stream from his face into the material of my shirt there was covered in dirt from the fight. I turned around looking at my once graceful and sleek car that now is ruined with bumps and scratches with broken windows.

I didn't get much time to mourn the death of my car or think the situation through how to protect my mate before a dark silhouette with two yellow glowing dots emerged from the dark making it's way over to us. the little girl's features had changed, her skin was now a dark shade of purple and her eyes were pure yellow with shining hatred. 

with graceful movements, she walked over to us with a blank face, no expressions, nor feelings. and with a snap of her fingers, the dark emerged from the corners from my eyesight til it all was covered in darkness and my consciousness starts to wander off with the last rational thought.

what is that girl?

* heeeey everybody, yes I'm late, ok very late. But I got a good reason becurse I have gotten a job at a Danish factory. but yeah I know it's not a valid excuse but hey, better late than never which is a thing that I hate when a writer hasn't written on a fic in years, it's like please just inform us that you're done, that you don't wanna write anymore or something just don't leave people like that. but yeah other than that I hope that all of you who is on summer break is having a blast. 

daily question: favorite youtuber? 

mine is Thomas Sanders, he is absolutely hilarious and can really give advice. 

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