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No one dared to talk to Wei Zhou

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No one dared to talk to Wei Zhou. No one would tell him anything. No one even looked at him. Wei Zhou and Qing were sitting at the waiting room of the hospital. He was still crying and he just couldn't stop. It still looked like a dream for Wei Zhou. Everything was too terrifying.

"Wei Zhou, calm down. It's okay..." Qing said, trying to calm him down.

Wei Zhou guessed that his body was shaking terribly or his breathing was faster than normal.

A nurse came by and sat down next to him. "Hello, can you come with me?"

"N.. No, I can't leave Jing Yu," he stuttered.

"That's sweet but you have to change your clothes and there are other people who would like to talk to you. Don't worry, they're good people." The nurse smiled.

"Can it wait until Jing Yu woke up? Please? Can you just let me see him?" Wei Zhou begged, falling on his knees. He don't know what to do if Jing Yu died because of him.

"I'm sorry, but I can't." The nurse replied with a frown. Qing was watching and she didn't know what to do either. She noticed that Wei Zhou was breathing heavily so she rushed at his side.

Wei Zhou was having a panic attack. It happened before... many times. He curled up in a ball and clenched his eyes shut, trying to push everything out of his mind.

"I need a doctor!" The nurse shouted.

And after some time, Wei Zhou felt a prick on his arm and then everything fades away.

When he woke up, he was in a small room, lying on the couch. His clothes had been changed. He was now wearing an oversized jeans and a sweater. As comfortable as it was, it made him worry. Where was he? He likes to ask and his heart began to pound harder.

"Wei Zhou," A calming voice said from the other side of the room. He looked over to find his mom sitting on a chair, her face was full of tears yet she smiled whole heartedly.

"Mom," He cried, jumping out from the couch and fling himself into his mother's arms.

"It's okay, baby. I've got you." She replied.

"Where's Jing Yu?" He asked, needing to figure out what's happening.

"I'm not sure, dear. They haven't told me anything about that,"

As soon as his mother replied, a lady walked into the room and smiled at him.

"Hello, Wei Zhou. My name's Lyn. Do you mind if I talk to you for a minute?"

Wei Zhou glanced to his mom who just smile and stood up, squeezing his hand before she left the room. Wei Zhou swallowed nervously.

"Where's Jing Yu? Is he alright?" He started asking.

"I'm sorry but I have no information about that. However, while you were in the waiting room, we noticed some things about you. First of all, you were covered in bruises. We, social workers, are required just to look into these things, just in case..."

"No. Stop worrying about me. Jing Yu is the one who is hurt. At this moment, he could be dying. I'm not going to talk to you or anyone else unless someone tell me that he's okay... that he is alive."

Lyn brushed her hair behind her ears and continued to speak. "It seems that you have a very good connection with that young man." She said smiling.

Wei Zhou didn't reply.

He stood up and ran out of the room, ignoring the call of his mom. As he ran theough the halls, he kept looking in each room, praying that Jing Yu was there and he is alright.

"Wei Zhou!" A familiar voice called him. When he turned around, there he saw Qing, Wen and Feng Song standing at the end of the hall, tears streaming down their face. Wei Zhou's heart was getting heavy at the sight for it wasn't a good sign.

"Where's Jing Yu?" He asked, involuntarily.

They didn't answer. They just hugged him as they cried harder.

"Is he going to die?" Wei Zhou managed to ask as soon as the doctor came

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"Is he going to die?" Wei Zhou managed to ask as soon as the doctor came.

"Not exactly." The doctor replied. "He isn't even that hurt. It's just that his head was hit very hard and it kind of put his brain on pause. The machine is working for him right now, doing the bodily functions until he wakes back up."

"But he will wake up back, right? He will be okay?" He asked.

"We believe he will." The doctor smiled.

Wei Zhou fell to his knees besides Jing Yu's bed, breaking into tears as relief hit him like a tidal wave.

Everyone left the room and Wei Zhou didn't understand why. It's as if they're giving him some alone time to get all of the tears out. And he did. After sometime, he stood up and looked around.

Jing Yu was lying there.

Cold and asleep.

Connected to the machine.

It was breathing for him. It was living for him.

All he ever want was for his Jing Yu to come back.

For good.

Wei Zhou leaned forward, connecting their lips and kissed the sleeping Jing Yu gently. When he pulled away, he felt better, somehow. He turned around and headed out of the room when he heard something.

"Hey!" A low, rough yet familiar voice called behind him. "You aren't getting rid of me that easily."


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