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"Hey! You aren't getting rid of me that easily

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"Hey! You aren't getting rid of me that easily."

Wei Zhou turned around, gazing into Jing Yu's dark yet intriguing eyes and he felt a tremble of happiness and warmth run through him. Before he knew it, he was launching himself at Jing Yu, completely forgetting that the other guy was hurt. When Wei Zhou landed, Jing Yu winced a but but he didn't push Wei Zhou away.

"Jing Yu," Wei Zhou began to cry.

"Wei Zhou," he replied, his lips brushing Wei Zhou's neck, making him moan. Jing Yu didn't care how wrong it was that they're in the hospital. All he cared is that he had Wei Zhou back and heis giving him waves and shocks all over his body.

"I'm sorry I was gone for so long," Jing Yu said, pulling back and nuzzling his nose against Wei Zhou.

"It's okay. You're okay," Wei Zhou replied, whispering.

"I've never felt better," Jing Yu replied, but Wei Zhou didn't believe him. He was still paler than usual and bags under his eyes.

At that moment, Jing Yu's family walked in the room and Wei Zhou blushed like crazy. Jing Yu's family was staring at him. Wei Zhou immediately removed himself from Jing Yu but the lad wouldn't let him. His family was watching yet h didn't seem to care.

"Oh, sweetie, you're awake," Mrs. Huang said, walking over to them and sweeping her hand against Jing Yu's forehead. "How are you feeling?"

"Fine, Mom," Jing Yu mumbled.

"I'm glad you're alright,"

Then Jing Yu's little brother whispered something and giggled. That makes Wei Zhou blush more.

The Huang's settled in, just spending their time with Jing Yu and waits for the doctor to come and disconnects Jing Yu from the machine. Wei Zhou sat awkwardly at the corner while the doctor's checking for Jing Yu's vitals.

The rest of the day was full of a changing cast. His family wqas in and out, so were his friends, but all in all, Jing Yu and Wei Zhou remained together. 

"Alright, visiting hours are over." A nurse said, walking into the room late at night. Jing Yu had dozed off about half an hour ago and Wei Zhou didn't want to leave without saying goodbye. Actually, he didn't want to leave at all.

"Can I just stay?" He asked in a soft voice.

"No, sweetheart. I'm sorry," She said, holding the door for Wei Zhou. He glanced at Jing Yu's sleeping body, whose chest was falling slowly and gently as he slept. "visiting hours starts tomorrow at ten,"

"Well... I... I can't leave him without saying goodbye," he said, approaching Jing Yu's sleeping figure while tracing his lips with his fingers.

"I'm sorry, but it's time to go." She said.

When Jing Yu woke up in the morning, he felt a lot better

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When Jing Yu woke up in the morning, he felt a lot better. His body didn't hurt too much and he knew he was alive. It felt good...

He stretched out, even though there's still a light ache and then look at his surrounding. His Wei Zhou wasn't there. A slight panic run through Jing Yu and he sat up looking around. No one was here. Even though he knew he shouldn't, he made his way out of his room and walk through the halls of the hospital. It was still early, probably only six in the morning and not many people are around, not even nurses. They seemed to be at their desks or checking up other patients. No one even noticed him.

Slowly, he made his way to the waiting room, wondering if anyone was there. In fact, there were few people but his Wei Zhou wasn't there. His heart ached and he wished he could find him. Did Wei Zhou left him?

"Oh, Mr. Huang!" A nurse exclaimed, grabbing his arm and leading him back to his room. "You know you can't leave your room without permission,"

"I'm sorry, but have you seen a dark haired, shy boy in my room?" He asked.

"Oh, yes. He had to leave. However, it took me a while to get him out. I think he likes you. If both of you aren't that young, I might say that the boy loves you. Judging from the way he traced your lips with his fingertips is quite adorable actually." She replied smiling.

Jing Yu smiled at the thought too.

His Wei Zhou loved him.

Jing Yu slept again once he came back at his room and when he woke up, his family was in the room.

"Where's Wei Zhou?" He asked as soon as he was awake enough to form a sentence.

"I haven't seen him this morning yet, sweetie." His mom replied.

Suddenly, Wei Zhou came running into the hospital room, freezing when he saw Jing Yu's family. Wei Zhou was covered in bruises and cuts and he was running out of breath.

"Oh, Wei Zhou." Jing Yu said, holding his arms open, Wei Zhou jumped into them and cuddled into his hospital bed. Jing Yu looked at his parent's and silently asks for a minute.

His family was out in a matter of seconds.

"Wei Zhou, who did this to you?" He asked, while the boy was sobbing.

Wei Zhou cried harder and looked up to him, his eyes were shining with tears. "Feng was upset again. I missed another one of his get togethers."

Anger boiled on Jing Yu's stomach.

"Well, I can sign myself out and then we can go and beat the shit out of him, okay?" He said while pressing the nurse's button on his bedside.

Wei Zhou looked at Jing Yu, wide eyed and began shaking his head as a no.

"Feng deserved it. Even something much worse." Jing Yu muttered, leaning forward and pressing a peck on Weu Zhou's neck which makes the latter moan.

"No... Just stay here with me..." Wei Zhou replied, blushing.

Seeing his love blushing, Jing Yu felt conflicted. He want to beat the shit out of Feng but on the other hand, he wants to stay here with Wei Zhou after he learned how to make him moan. It was the most exhilarating feeling ever.

 It was the most exhilarating feeling ever

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Too short, I guess... Hahaha! I mean, it's good for now, I'll update much later.

Keep safe and keep yourself at home,dear readers!

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