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The physical pain was nothing

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The physical pain was nothing. Nothing compared to the emotional pain Jing Yu was feeling. Wei Zhou's body was covering his, and behind him, Jing Yu saw Wei Zhou's step-father approach, that monster's arm was about to grab Wei Zhou's and pull him away but Jing Yu wouldn't let that happen. He kicked him, hitting him where it hurts. Jing Yu's mind was still spinning, his arms moving around in pool of his own blood.

Wei Zhou's step-father fell to the ground, in pain. That was when Wei Zhou's mom came over, grabbed a vase and holding it over her new husband's head.

"Mrs. Xu!" Jing Yu shouted.

Then, Mrs. Xu lifted her arm, about to smash it over the monster's head but she wasn't quick enough. The monster stood, grabbing the vase and smashing it over Mrs. Xu's head. Wei Zhou heard the smash and tried to look behind him but Jing Yu grabbed his head and held it close into his neck.

"Don't look, babe. Don't look..." Jing Yu said, voice cracking as both of them began to cry.


They heard the sirens in the background and Jing Yu wanted nothing more but to stand and help Mrs. Xu but he could feel the glass shards all over him whenever he moved. It was too painful He just held the now crying Wei Zhou tightly against his body.

"Mom..." Wei Zhou cried.

"Sshh... it's not easy, but everything's gonna be okay, babe. No matter what happens." 

Both of then heard the door slam open, and soon, paramedics were trying to strap Jing Yu to a stretcher while another medic came and check Mrs. Xu's condition.

"I'm fine. Just help me up," He groaned.

"No, son, you are bleeding. We need to get you to the hospital as soon as possible," one of the medic said.

"No, I'm fine. Just let me stay with my boyfriend."


"Wei Zhou!" Jing Yu yelled. He stood up, pushing off the medics surrounding him and wrapped his arms around Wei Zhou.

"Jing Yu, you're hurt," Wei Zhou said.

"I'm fine," He replied but the medics thought otherwise. They make him sit in the back of the ambulance where they cleaned Jing Yu up, picking the pieces of glass from his back and arms. They wrapped a blanket around him as if he would go into shock.

"I'm fine," Jing Yu repeated, a little bit angry than the last time.

Wei Zhou came up beside him, snuggling his head into his blood stained neck. "They are only trying to help you, Jing Yu."

"I know," Jing Yu sighed.

Suddenly, one of the paramedics grabbed his shoulder and Jing Yu cried out in pain, clinching his teeth together.

"Are you okay?" Wei Zhou asked in worry, one of his hands grabbing Jing Yu's hip and massaging it.

"Yeah. I think it just got... dislocated," the pain was still surging through his body and now, the medics were stripping off his shirt and lying him back, wrapping his shoulder in a tight white bandage.

"We are taking you to hospital, Mr. Huang," another medic said.

'Wei Zhou will come with me," Jing Yu replied, grabbing Wei Zhou's hand tightly. Wei Zhou gave a sad smile and then hopped into the ambulance.

"Alright, Jing Yu, the stitches will dissolve in time so let them fall out on their own," The nurse said, cutting the final stitches on his arm

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"Alright, Jing Yu, the stitches will dissolve in time so let them fall out on their own," The nurse said, cutting the final stitches on his arm.

"Thank you," he replied, standing up and heading out of the room to find his Wei Zhou. Wei Zhou was sitting on the waiting area, tears are visible on his eyes. 

"Babe..." Jing Yu said while sitting next to Wei Zhou.

"You're okay, now, you need to tell me what happened to my mom," 

Jing Yu bit his lip.

"Jing Yu... please?" 

"Wei Zhou, she'll be okay..." Jing Yu replied even though he didn't honestly know. All he had seen was her being hit with the glass vase and after that.... nothing.

"Xu Wei Zhou?" A doctor suddenly came walking into the waiting area, "I have news about your mother,"

Jing Yu grabbed Wei Zhou tightly and walked over to the doctor, staring at him expectantly.

'I am afraid it was bad news. She is alive but she's not really awake. I'm afraid she will never wake up. We are planning to  take off the machine whenever you give us a heads up,"

Wei Zhou's heart missed a beat. His body become numb, because it was his fault. He expected the tears following next but there were no tears this time.

"Take me to her,"

They were lead through the hospital wards finally coming into the room where Wei Zhou's mom lay on the bed, the loud machine breathing for her. Just like the machine that had been breathing for Jing Yu a few weeks ago but this time it was different. Jing Yu woke up... but Mrs. Xu... she wasn't going to wake up. Ever.

Wei Zhou stepped away from Jing Yu and sat down next to her. He grabbed his mother's hand and he began to cry while looking at his mother's beaten body.

"Mom... I want you to know that I really love you. I love you, mom and please forgive me. I was a bad child. I couldn't protect you. I caused you too much harm." He paused while wiping his tears, "Jing Yu loves you too, mom. Thank you for blessing our relationship. I will always remember you and our memories together. I know you will understand my choice today, mom. I don't want you to suffer anymore." Wei Zhou kissed her mother's face one last time and whispered words so full of sorrow that Jing Yu also sob and now a crying mess.

"I love you, mom... and goodbye..." Wei Zhou said, as tears keep falling down his cheeks.

" Wei Zhou said, as tears keep falling down his cheeks

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[ A / N ]

Geezus, I forgot. I thought I already publish this chapter.

Sorry :p

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