Raven's True Feelings

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Ha! Another update, sonner than expected too! Enjoy the lovely chap.

There's a lot of sexy parts yay! LOL

Anyway, sorry for the wait. And I didn't want you guys to wait any longer anyway. Hope you enjoy the chapter. You can guess what this chap's about just from the title ^^

Okay I think I'm talking too much


Rikuo's P.O.V

I was feeling nervous. Why would sempaii invite me to his house so suddenly? There was no special occasion going on. And why would he take me up to his room right after we got in?

Sempaii lived alone in a one-storey house near the college. There were two rooms and a small storage room. He changed some of the doors to sliding doors so he could still feel the Japanese tradition. There was a kitchen, but no dining room. And his living room was small, enough to fit a couch that can sit two people. The bigger room was his, and his television was there too. The smaller room was a guest room, but for now, he used it as a storage since he used the storage room as the laundry room.

I was pulled to sempaii's room. I tried to act normal with everything. I went over to his bed like I usually did whenever I could come in his room. Then Kodomu-sempaii went back out saying he would get a glass of water.

Two minutes later, we were talking side by side, watching the television. It was showing the UFC fights right now. Johnson versus I didn't know who. But he was a small guy, smaller than Johnson at least, with dirty blonde hair. He almost looked like Kodomu-sempaii.

"Sempaii?" I called while he was drinking his water.


"Can I get a glass too?"

I looked over at sempaii, anticipating a nod. But I got something unexpected.

I got a kiss.

And there was water in sempaii's mouth.

I got so surprised I blew the water out of my mouth and started coughing. Then I realized what sempaii's motives might have been. I turned back to face the guy who just kissed me, glaring at him.

"What the hell was that about?"

"A kiss. What else?"

"I know what it was! Why did you kiss me?"

"Because I like you."

I felt myself tense up. But the muscles of my face relaxed, giving Kodomu-sempaii a surprised look on my face. Don't trust a word he says. Nii-san's words came to my mind. I tried laughing.

"Heh. You're joking right?" Sempaii couldn't have said he would like me. We were just in a junior-senior relationship.

"Do I look like I'm joking?"

I took a hard look at sempaii. Somehow, he seemed to look closer to me. That's when I realized he WAS getting closer to me. To my face. He was going to kiss me again! Like I would make that happen a second time.

But I was too late. Sempaii forced himself on me. This feels disgusting. I tried pushing sempaii off but he wouldn't budge. Eventually, Kodomu-sempaii held back and breathed into my nose.

"Why resist? I know you like me too." He whispered. His voice was husky, concerned.

"Nn-No. Sempaii, s-stop."

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