Class President

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It was the next day and Izuku was slowy walking his way to U.A, the reason why Izuku walking slowly is because he could barely sleep due to the fact that there was three girls at his apartment, that thought alone made it difficult for him to sleep and the only thing he could do is cover his whole body in the sheets while he was blushing the whole night.

'I'm so tired I can't believe they were three girls at my apartment and worst part is Mina took a picture of the photo of me and Zeff on her phone it's so embarrassing' as he sighed and had a tiny blush.

As Izuku was getting closer to the school gates he saw a mob of news reporters covering the front gate.

"What going on why is the media here, wait they must be here cause they heard All Might is working at U.A as a teacher" as he mumbled.

When Izuku try to walk through the gate he as bombarded by news reports asking question.

"Hey kid how is like being near All Might".

"What is it like to have All Might as a teacher".

"How is All Might adjusting to being a teacher".

"S-sorry but I have to go or I'll be late for class if I don't go now".

As Izuku was trying to get away a lady news reporter came up to him grab him by his arm.

"Hey come on can't you stay little while and answer a few questions I'll make it worth your while" as press her chest forward toward him.

This left Izuku a blushing mess and speaking incoherent words until he felt someone dragging him by the back of his uniform.

"Hurry the hell up you damn nerd your block the damn way".

"S-s-sorry kacchan I didn't mean to b-block you".

Then the lady reporter finally recognized the two teens.

"Hey aren't you two from the sludge incident, what are you boyfriend and girlfriend".

This statement made both Izuku and katsumi blush.


After this Izuku stood a good distance away from katsumi while they where walking to class trying not to get her even more mad, as soon Izuku got to his class he took his seat at his desk and put his head down and sighed, his friend saw this and went up to him and ask him what wrong.

"Hey Midori what got you down".

"Midoriya what the problem you seem seem troubled".

"Yeah Deku if your trouble you should tell us".

"Izuku you should know where always here for you if need us".

"Thank guy for your help it just there an incident at the front gate".

"Ah it must be about the news reporters there quite a few them out the gate" as Iida adjusted his classes.

"More like a ton Iida I could barely get in with being crushed for answers".

"Seriously they keep coming at us for answer's about All Might".

"Indeed they are quite many outside looking for answers about All Might" as Momo cross her arms.

"W-well one of the reporters was being stubborn for answers but kacchan came and dragged me away from the reporter and she thought we were a c-c-couple".

What Izuku just said cause Momo and Ochako to slam their hands on his desk cause Izuku to flinch.

That observed why would anybody thing you two are a couple, the way she treat you wouldn't be the way couples act.

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