A New Symbol

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It was the morning of the day after AFO defeat and All Might Las job as a hero and the police were having a decision about the retirement of the No. 1 hero All Might and the League.

"The Nomu that we capture are just the same as the first Nomu unresponsive they're basically mindless animals and we haven't gotten any new info about the League the warehouse were they kept League Nomu is completely destroyed but we will continue our investigation of course but we don't know how much data we will get" said Police Lieutenant 1.

"And we haven't gotten any worth while information from the bar at all" said Head Chief.

"We're still looking sir" said Police Lieutenant 1.

"Yes we apprehended all the Nomus sure but we still let the League members slip away honestly we capture their boss this whole thing was a draw" police Lieutenant 2.

"Don't be stupid our country lost just lost the symbol of peace All Might weaken body was revealed not just the citizens know this but the villains they now know the indestructible hero can be defeated" said Head Chief.

"It's what we get for relying on one pro hero" said Police Lieutenant 3.

"Now people know that they can rise hell with just a couple of thugs and I hate to what that might inspire and our original profile of Tomura Shigaraki described him as a man child also prone to throw tantrums but that's change his plans are getting more strategically and he appears to be focus on how he can change our society his thought process has evolved and now that All Might is out of the picture we've lost our trump card against villain activity each time the League fails they come back stronger and now shigaraki can expand his influence" said Head Chief.

"Are you saying that the League plan this" said Police Lieutenant 1.

"That sounds like a hard stretch to believe" said Police Lieutenant 2.

"We don't know there is only one thing I can say for certain we have to capture the the League of Villains no matter what as the police we have to pick up the slack we're not just back up it's time tha we made Changes" said Head Chief.

Meanwhile All Might was at the hospital resting but with him was Tsukauchi and Gran Torino who was also healing from last night.

"The embers of OFA inside of me are no longer burning the mighty symbol of peace is no more how ever I won't just sit here there is something I still need to do" said All Might.

"Tomura Shigaraki, Shimura grandson yes" said Gran Torino.

"The only proof we have of what AFO said so there is not much to go on the two of you didn't contact with Shimura family even though you were so close to her" said Tsukauchi.

"No" said Gran.

"But why not" said Tsukauchi.

"It happened soon after Shimura husband was killed so as a concern mother she put her child in foster care to shield the youngster from the hero world she told me and Toshinori not to have any contact with the kid even if the worst happened to her" said Gran Torino.

"And in the end your promised back fired huh I'm sorry to hear that" said Tsukauchi.

"My master gave up her life so her family might know a life of peace I must track Shigaraki down as soon as possible I'll find and then" said All Might.

"And then what give a pat on the head your not looking at him as the villain he is anymore and that's dangerous now remember not matter his lineage he's still a villain" said Gran Torino.

All Might only look away know that Gran Torino was right.

"Tsukauchi and I will investigate Shigaraki and the League without you for now you stay at U.A you have many responsibilities there even though you can't be the symbol of peace you once were don't forget that All Might is still alive in you" said Gran Torino.

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