Leaving Alabasta

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After the fight with Crocodile the underground room was slowly collapsing and Izuku was still on the ground and King Cobra look up at the sky but King Cobra noticed something falling out of the sky so he got up and caught it now that he caught it he can see that it was a vile contaning the anti venom for the posion.

"Crocodile must have kept this just in case for interrogation purposes" said King Cobra.

So at this point King starts to run to Izuku and give him the antidote but while looking at the cube stone thinking all the trouble that was cause by it.

"To believe that for this writing that no one can someone nearly took control of a country just for some weapon" said King Cobra.

But during this Izuku take a look at the writing on the stone and was surprised.

"It's not blue print to some powerful weapon" said Izuku.

"What do mean" ask King Cobra.

"It's a letter to someone" said Izuku.

"Wait don't tell you can read this" said King Cobra surprised.

"I can but I've never seen it before today" said Izuku.

"So what does it say" ask King Cobra.

"It says to my unborn child I am sorry for not being there while you grow up but the reason I'm not there is that I had to do something that ment I would never get the chance to met you but I want you the know that what I'm doing is for your own safety and better future for you so please forgive me G.R and that's all" said Izuku.

This just left King Cobra confused.

'Why did he lie to me saying that it was blue prints to some powerful weapon why father you told me the man who left it said was a weapon?' was all could Cobra think.

Then Izuku got up and began to carry the king.

"Young man don't strain yourself even more, you still have some posion in you and the antidote won't take affect straight away" said King Cobra.

"It's alright and either way I promise to bring you back to your daughter" said Izuku.

Izuku starts to run to the passage way to the surface while running through the passage way it started to collapse but Izuku and the king made it in the nick of time before it collapsed on them while Midnight and Vivi came towards them.

"Father I'm so glad that you are safe" said Vivi as she hugged her father.

"I have to say I'm impressed Midoriya you took down Crocodile all by yourself" said Midnight.

"Thank you Midnight but can I ask your permission for something" said Izuku.

"And what might that be?" Asked Midnight.

"Can I get some sleep" said Izuku.

"Hahaha go straight ahead you deserve it" said Midnight.

"Thank you" said Izuku.

As Izuku collapses front ward to only be catch by Midnight while also dropping his locket.

"Man that fight must have taken a lot out of you" said Midnight.

This is when the king saw Izuku drop his locket and remember how he reacted to Crocodile breaking the chain and mocking it.

"Vivi can you please pick up that boy locket and see if you can find anyone who can fix it but first let me and the boy get rest to recover from our injuries" said king Cobra.

After the whole event with Crocodile was over all of Crocodiles men were sent to prison while Midnight suggested to the king to send Crocodile to a prison in japan called Impel down where the security is on a whole another level so the king call to get Crocodile transfer to Impel down and for Izuku and his friends they stayed in Alabasta for a whole three day while Izuku recovers from the injury he suffered close to his chest and Izuku was sleeping for three straight days this fact concerned nearly all his female class mates and a certain princess but they just waited for the best and not knowing what the other girls in their class were thinking, they all saw each other in front of the room Izuku was resting.

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