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After everything that happened it was happening the invasion of the water base that the Yakuza were hiding in, but there was one problem one of the Yakuza members split up the group it different parts of the base and right now Tamaki also know as suneater was fave to face with three members of the eight percepts of death.

"The only one who's needed to take down these time eating pawn is me" said Amajiki.

"What are you saying let's cooperate" said Kirishima.

"You heard him cooperate, we'll kill the lot of you" said ???.

"I've seen data on this guy before hand, his name is Setsuno but his quirk shouldn't effect us" said Aizawa.

"So what I've still got this sword and back up on my side" said Setsuno.

"We got backup as well so drop the sword" said Aizawa.

Then another one pull out a gun.

'This guy will be a problem for us, Eraserhead has the quirk to erase some quirk, it has the somewhat akin to Eri, so all the only thing to do is deter them' ??? thought.

But then Fatgum got by Aizawa side.

"I don't care if have a sword or fire a hail of bullets it'll only sink right into my body, threats like that will only work on folk who value their own lives,  so it'll be easier on ya if you come quiet" said Fatgum.

And without hesitation Fatgum at the one with the sword and get the other two as well with squid tentacles and a clamshell for protection and throwing them into the wall as he also took the sword.

"I'll be your opponent, I indulged in ton of Takoyaki at Fat's office, so my octopus are at their upper bound and I got shot with things like that a while back, so I'm more vigilant regarding things like that" said Amajiki.

Then as he was holding the sword with his tentacles he change it into a crabs arm and breaking the sword.

"Squaring off against these fools is pointless, this situation where they're keeping all the pros in different places is exactly what they want, so leave and regroup the others" said Amajiki.

"But senpai" said Kirishima.

"This is a race that we can't waste a single second, you need to regroup with other so you can all the pros raw power to push ahead if the other members are stronger, so Fatgum I can hold these three down here" said Amajiki.

And Fatgum fully understand Amajiki, so he listen to Amajiki.

"Let's go the door's over there" said Fatgum.

"Fat!" said Kirishima.

"We have to go" said Fatgum.

"Hey hold on you bastards" said Setsuno.

Then he try to use his quirk but thanks to Aizawa he erase their quirks again.

"Not again" said Setsuno.

"Pin these three while my quirk is still in effect" said Aizawa as he hit one of the members.

Then Amajiki knocked the three members down to the ground with his tentacles, this gave Fatgum, Aizawa and Kirishima a chance to run to the door, but not before Amajiki said something.

"Everybody I leave Mirio to you, knowing him he'll definitely push himself too hard, so please help him" said Amajiki.

"Alright do your best and here are their quirks, Setsuno quirk thief, Houjou quirk crystallization, Tabe quirk quirk ingestion, you should be smart enough to figure out by the name what their quirks can do" said Aizawa.

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