Trouble Is Brewing

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The first day of the internship was an experience for Izuku he was being trained by All Moght old teacher and during it he gained the book of Vigilante King which had a technique that will help Izuku get one more step closer to be strong enough to protect the people he cares about but right now their testing ou the new technique.

"Huhuhu man I'm tired" said Izuku.

"Huh I guess this technique is a double edge sword it does give both a power and speed boost but it drains your stamina fast so far you can only stay in that state for 1 minute" said Gran Torino.

Then out of nowhere they heard Izuku's stomach growl causing him to blush.

"And take up the energy your food sustains you so basically making you more hungry" said Gran Torino.

"Do think I can make myself something to eat" said Izuku.

"That's fine but if it fall on the ground don't eat it like you did for the taiyaki" said Gran Torino.

"Sorry it's the way I was raised to never waste food it can be the most valuable thing there is I learn that the hard way" said Izuku.

As Izuku grab the bread he could help but remember a piece of bread cover in mold in his hands causing to stare at for a long time.

"Hey kid you alright you've been staring at the bread for awhile" said Gran Torino.

"Ah sorry I just remembering something" said Izuku.

"That alright but we have to continue in your training because we have to increase your time limit in that technique by the way what are you gonna name it" said Gran Torino.

"I don't really know it was strange that he never gave it a name" said Izuku.

"Well it was the year before his execution so I guess he never got the chance but I have to say it added a gear to your step" said Gran Torino.

"A gear?" said Izuku confused.

"Cause you only had one gear before making your body move at fast rate and strong but this is added gear even more faster than before and stronger your literally the phrase well oiled machine" said Gran Torino.

"I guess I never thought it about it that way" said Izuku.

"That's alright, by the way did you read the other thing written on that book" said Gran Torino.

"Oh yeah I was so focused on this technique I forgot the others I'll read them now" said Izuku.

Then Izuku grab the book and start to read but something happen when couple of words he was skimming the book instead until he closed it with a disappointed face.

"What's the matter kid" said Gran Torino.

"It says nothing" said Izuku.

"What are you talking about there was writing" said Gran Torino.

"No I mean that it has the word nothing written on the pages except for the technique I just learn" said Izuku.

This only ticked off Gran Torino.

"That bastard he played these kind of trick when he was alive now he's playing them while he's dead" said Gran Torino.

When Gran Torino said this he remembered in his younger days him having arguments with Roger.

"What hell are you talking about I'm say your name right" said Gran Torino.

"What hell are you talking about I'm say your name right" said Gran Torino

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